Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Mara IRL. She looks much better than her ingame model lol

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
GD i'm trying to stick with the M4 but getting roasted the last few days




Log Wizard

C4, like controllers, is for cowards.

I guess the Origin is the new meta for CQB? Haven't run into it yet but streamers are talking about it. I guess it's more a squads thing because you can clip 4 people with a full magazine of 12. Seeing a lot of weapon variety though right now, so that's pretty cool. Been a while since everyone wasn't just a M4head or Dallas Grauboy. Now I see people with AK's and Scar's and shit occasionally. But honestly so many of the ground spawn weapons are good that I just run restock and whatever I need (ranged or close/med) from loadout and there's plenty of options for a pickup weapon.


Trakanon Raider
Its crazy how they have never nerfed the C4, majority people use it in normal MP because its just way better than everything else.


C4, like controllers, is for cowards.

I guess the Origin is the new meta for CQB? Haven't run into it yet but streamers are talking about it. I guess it's more a squads thing because you can clip 4 people with a full magazine of 12. Seeing a lot of weapon variety though right now, so that's pretty cool. Been a while since everyone wasn't just a M4head or Dallas Grauboy. Now I see people with AK's and Scar's and shit occasionally. But honestly so many of the ground spawn weapons are good that I just run restock and whatever I need (ranged or close/med) from loadout and there's plenty of options for a pickup weapon.

I play on Xbox and PC but yeah I don't play controller on PC that's lame.

I am running PKM/ mp5 and kilo/sniper and the results are pretty great.

Probably my favorite gun atm is PKM. I too wish C4 would have got a nerf but it won't this late into warzone I would guess. Black Ops is right around the corner.

Pm if you wanna play some. I am on Xbox mainly with friends but can also play on PC.
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Log Wizard
PKM has been a great gun 100% of the game, but it's action time to ADS and fire is so slow. Running an SMG with it though helps immensely. It's honestly been the most solid gun for the length Warzone has been up. It hits so fucking hard and it's recoil is very manageable with amazing range. Mount that shit and you've got the strongest weapon possible. Absolute squad erasers in the open.

I've only been playing duos with my degenerate weeb internet son. I've actually been enjoying solos more than anything because the chances of me getting lit up by 2-3 people and dying instantly goes down dramatically. Also helps me get better at 1v1 engages when the player is actually fighting me. Give me an HDR in Squads and I can kill every fucking person not looking at me.

I was watching the top wins guy last night, and his skill lvl is probably the closet to mine of any streamer I've seen. He just plays smart and plays for the win. Lotta helicoptering building to building and claymoring the entrances. His sniping skills were completely on par with mine. I only saw him get into 3-4 engages where he was actually getting shot and he lost almost every one. But he's got almost 1800 wins and a 6.0 KD. I like watching Huskerrs who's probably like 5x better than me but he's got a 5.0 KD, but he'll chase after every player and every team by himself. I watch Iron and it's like "hmm, I could have better stats" and then I see Huskerrs and I think, "Fuck. I'm 10 years too old to being 1/2 that."

Personally I like watching Summit1g when he does solos. He kind of goes at his own pace, but doesn't shy from a fight. He'll win a solo (rarely) with 10-15 kills, but he'll just get deleted out of nowhere sometimes. Makes me feel better. He's running the K98 as his sniper too, which to me is for god-aimers as it's damage to the body is neglible (I believe it's a 4 shot body kill. Seriously.) but one shot headshot. The thing I did like about Iron is he doesn't do meta. He runs Ram/MP7/HDR. The HDR is pretty up there, but you've only really got 3.5 snipers to begin with and it's probably like 40% HDR, 40% AX-50, 10% K98, 10% explosive shitter. I definitely like watching people who don't just meta spam.

Now if you want to watch some one forced to try and get 4 kills or win a game with a Crossbow or Deagle and fail most of the time, I'm your man.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm convinced the top streamers are placed into crap lobbies to bypass SBMM.

Go and watch shroud play and you'll find him get absolutely assblasted like I do. I'm sure at some point they'll adjust his, but they haven't yet. Shroud is a good example, personally, because we got matched with him in pubg.

There was a reddit post the other day talking about it. If I were in the position the streamers put themselves into, I'd get absolutely obliterated (like running across a road, or using a vehicle without trophy). I'm not saying the streamers aren't good; they're certainly quite a bit better than me. But if they were in my lobby, none of that shit would fly.


Log Wizard
People like Shroud and Summit haven't played in a while, so they've fallen off so their MMR should be easier. Huskerrs for instance gets into games with assblaster squads because he plays with other guys that have like 20+ days played on a single account. In the tourneys where people queued together Huskerrs preferred to be the squad leader to queue into the games with better players because he trusted himself versus more skilled players versus his competition (Nick Mercs and his partner) who had one of them with a lower account to get bot lobbies.

It is crazy though watching these guys get like 10-20 kill games and actually getting into less than 5 "fights". That's why I don't think anything of a lot of these "Fragger" types. They're just first to engage and blaze people. It's more interesting when they evade and reset and then win a fight.

THE BEST is when the literal TOP players in the game die in a squad game and then complain about "sweaties" and "tryhards". Fucking 0 self awareness. Especially when it was all these truck driving, trophy using, double C4, and Grau boys EVERY FUCKING GAME then dying to some one with the exact same loadout. Reap what you sew, fuckdicks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I promise shroud has played more games in a week than I have in months. If his MMR isn't calibrated at this point, their system is broken.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
C4’s range is bullshit in terms of blast radius, but trapping vehicles is a legit tactic. I do it all the time: bait vehicle you know someone will take the BOOM. Mines can work well too if you can hide them.
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Ram 7 is about to become the Meta for CQ
already lots of builds out. It’s a greatgun.


FPS noob
i have been on a SP streak the last couple weeks, finished and platinum'd back to back

Modern Warfare 1 remaster
Modern Warfare 2 remaster
Modern Warfare 2019

and loved em all. I really, really get the love for MW2 now, that story and level design was absolutely fantastic, and seeing all the subzones of warzone that were pulled from those two games like Prison Complex, Boneyard, Refinery, etc is really neat and cool. A couple games now I've just run into Warzone to explore an area of the map, its so neat to see it outside the story. I finally get it when people snicker "No Russian!" in chat.

If you are bored of MP i'd definitely recommend playing the SP games for all 3, MW3 remastered is apparently coming soon similar to MW2-R so I'll probably just wait for that instead of playing on Xbox in BC mode.

The platinum is super easy to get on all of em too, the hardest bit - finishing every mission in veteran mode - has an exploit, people figured out you can save scumm and just do the last checkpoint in veteran for each mission. There are tutorials on what you have to do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
People like Shroud and Summit haven't played in a while, so they've fallen off so their MMR should be easier. Huskerrs for instance gets into games with assblaster squads because he plays with other guys that have like 20+ days played on a single account. In the tourneys where people queued together Huskerrs preferred to be the squad leader to queue into the games with better players because he trusted himself versus more skilled players versus his competition (Nick Mercs and his partner) who had one of them with a lower account to get bot lobbies.

It is crazy though watching these guys get like 10-20 kill games and actually getting into less than 5 "fights". That's why I don't think anything of a lot of these "Fragger" types. They're just first to engage and blaze people. It's more interesting when they evade and reset and then win a fight.

THE BEST is when the literal TOP players in the game die in a squad game and then complain about "sweaties" and "tryhards". Fucking 0 self awareness. Especially when it was all these truck driving, trophy using, double C4, and Grau boys EVERY FUCKING GAME then dying to some one with the exact same loadout. Reap what you sew, fuckdicks.
Its hard to compare Shroud and Summit in MW compared to Huskers, TeePee, Doug is raw, Merk, etc as those guys play MW literlaly 8-12 hours a day at 5-7 days a week. I dont know how pub games compare in WZ with match making. It appears they all use the same META weapon in which everyone in public play uses as well. If these elite "stream" players lose, its generally becasue they break up from their group and try to go ham as a solo versus another team. Sometime they succeed but a well balanced public team can out gun any streamer one on one with their same meta guns.


<Bronze Donator>
Bruen is still slapping!! Changed from the AX50 to the HDR and seems to be lot better for long range sniping as well.


Bruen is still slapping!! Changed from the AX50 to the HDR and seems to be lot better for long range sniping as well.
Bruen is definitely still a great gun with the commando grip but I personally prefer the PKM now.