Crowfall is definitely in the grey area as far as being an MMO is concerned. I dont know about CU, didnt look at it because WAR. But since we have Star Citizen (not an MMO) and Gamerpin/38 Studios (not even games, much less MMOs) threads here, why would anyone care. The MMO definition is different from person to person anyway, so all it is good for is some cheap shots on a forum. /rustle offCrowfall is an MMO for sure characters are persistent but campaigns world's aren't. Honestly it's exactly like WOW expansions if you think about it abstractly. Ever few weeks years the game resets and all your gear is worthless and the old world is forgotten. I know I'm stretching things here, but it's an interesting thought.
How dare you, we as a rerolled community are wrapping our ample lips around Crow Falls cack and ready to give it a proper sucking. We have already sucked MJ's cack and he cam in our face and never called us again so fuck him...Now Crow Fall is the new Hawtness and it time to holster that cack in our collective mouths. Step offThere is a lot of misinformation in this thread about the game. Unfortunately, i cannot really correct the wrong information because as an IT tester i would be breaking the NDA, and i know they are very hardcore about people outside of IT/Alpha discussing the game.
A few things i think i can comment on are.
The spells are not infinitely ranged. Active dodging works.Meaning, if you stand still. You will be hit. If you move out of the way, they will miss you. There may be a time or two you don't get out of the way, but remember the game is very basic now, there is no stats added or subtracted to effect right now. It really is barebones as it was shown. As announced by Mark and echo'd by a lot of the CSE people, now that the based tech is in place, they expect to churn out the stuff that makes this a game over the next quarter. If you want to judge the game because the art doesn't fit you, then so be it,or how it looks and plays now in very early alpha, well i'd say stay tuned. Did you see what daoc looked like in alpha?I can show a screenshot if you've forgotten, it's horrible.![]()
Crowfall has very cartoony graphics, that's a put off for myself. I have a Alpha 1 or 2 for crowfall (whatever the $150 is). I would say i am more pro CU then CF simply because i do not like the non persistent nature of Crowfall. Still unsure why it's even in the MMORPG sub forum here? Is it a moba? a Mmorpg (how?)? A ladder game? Doesn't make much sense.
I am definitely more Pro FFA then RvR. But, Mark's publicly said if there is the players there for FFA he'll do it. If not? Maybe he can do what Guild wars 2 failed to do . Do RvR correctly since DAOC. What better option do we have? Crowfall? Unity has time and time again shown that it doesn't do large battles (FPS wise) very well. We'll seeBut then again i'm more of a CU fanboy i guess.![]()
Ya he hit meHow dare you, we as a rerolled community are wrapping our ample lips around Crow Falls cack and ready to give it a proper sucking. We have already sucked MJ cack and he cam in our face and never called us again so fuck him...Now Crow Fall is the new Hawtness and it time to holster that cack in our collective mouths. Step off
Id want to see her do an article on what it means when you play an extremely racist dunmer in morrowind ans run around calling people nweh.
That would actually be a really scary looking boss mob; appropriate for an end game instance where you kill a ton of nazi trash mobs to make it to him. Wouldnt be PC, but killing Nazis is always good to go..I guess that explains the new concept art for Pantheon's paladin class reveal.
If you would have told me a few years ago I would be reading Breibart and the National Review I would of scoffed. But this new wave of easily offended cry-baby lefties has pushed me there.You fucking racists!!
Medieval Video Games - White Supremacy | National Review Online
If you like playing medieval-themed video games, you might not be just some harmless nerd - you might be a nerd who is also kind of a white supremacist. At least that's the opinion of Victoria Cooper, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Leeds in England, who presented a paper titled "Playing Politics: Exploring Nationalism and Conservatism in Fantasy Video Games" at the International Medieval Congress earlier this month. "The Middle Ages is a space where white supremacy is legitimized," Cooper said, according to an article on "The maintenance of white privilege. The gamer community use 'historical facts' to legitimize this kind of literacy." According to the article, Cooper also added that "medievally-themed video games are a space where whiteness can be anchored, in a 'happy history' where a world is free of multiculturalism and white guilt.'"
yeah, the level of interaction is pretty insane, i am still excited about it too.I personally think Mark will produce a good MMO. I've never seen a dev have more interaction or be more transparent than Jacobs has been during the development of CU. Delay or not, I'm still really excited for this one.