So what era is it then? Peter Parker graduated High School in issue #28, 09/1965. He then misses graduating college in issue #185 because of a missing gym credit, 10/1978. I started reading Amazing Spider-Man in 1976 and he hasn't been a teenager in the 40yrs I've been reading his comic book.
I get that Marvel/Disney want to have a young Spider-Man to appeal to kids. Ultimate Spider-Man was a teenager in both the comics and is still in the cartoon. It's just NOT the character I grew up with.
Also, the whole Tony Stark knowing Peter Parker was Spider-Man was lame. How did he know? He had footage of him but never revealed HOW he knew Peter was Spider-Man, he just did. Second, he wasn't quippy in his fights, he just acted goofy and in awe. In the actual comic book he's sarcastic and funny, very much the way Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man was written.
His powers again were used badly, just like all the other movies were. Sometimes they get it right but often they get it wrong, even in the same movie. They did give him the right amount of strength and agility but they screwed up his spider sense as usual. There is no way most of the stuff he was actually hit with, should have hit him. Yes even though he had only been Spider-Man for six months and was new at it, his spider sense is an actual precog ability. He only gets hit by either being faster than him, being able to overwhelm him with multiple attacks or if he chooses to ignore it. So basically every time he got hit in this movie by someone much slower than him, he chose to ignore it?
Finally at the end of the fight when Iron Man tells him to stand down, he acts like he's exhausted and can't fight anymore. OMG that is the WORST depiction of who Spider-Man actually is. Peter Parker/Spider-Man is Marvel's hero who doesn't quit. He doesn't give up when the odds are against him, when he's been beaten or when he's had everything taken from him. That's who he is and that's NOT who was depicted.
Stop watching shows like Ultimate Spider-Man and actually understand who Peter Parker/Spider-Man is and maybe you'd understand why this rendition sucked. Oh and don't get me started on Aunt May!