Buzzfeed Editor
That's Ronin sans power gem I assume?
Yeah, as he was when he fought Drax for the first time.
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That's Ronin sans power gem I assume?
That's Ronin sans power gem I assume?
I can't speak for others but I go to the movies frequently and own hundreds of Blu-Ray. They didn't get my money this time.Most of the people who said they wouldn't see it on the internet probably belong to the "lul me pirate/torrent everything" crowd, which is why Box Office numbers didn't get impacted at all.
Same. Watched spoiler reviews and outlines to get the details I needed. Not surprisingly they've been able to detail the entire movie in less than 10 minutes. I'm sure I'll watch it eventually when it's offered for $3 UHD rental or listed for free on Netflix.I can't speak for others but I go to the movies frequently and own hundreds of Blu-Ray. They didn't get my money this time.
its actually better than Black Panter, which isnt saying much. Black Panther was offensively bad and racist. Captain Marvel was just super boring and the lead actress is an NPC through out the film. cant tell one NPC from another.Same. Watched spoiler reviews and outlines to get the details I needed. Not surprisingly they've been able to detail the entire movie in less than 10 minutes. I'm sure I'll watch it eventually when it's offered for $3 UHD rental or listed for free on Netflix.
I own every Marvel film in some form that I felt has been worth my money. At this time, that excludes Thor 2, Black Panther, Antman & Wasp, and Guardians 2. Antman 2 and GotG 2 were on Netflix, the latter I saw in theaters. I got an IM3 bluray for $5. Ultron was a $10 4K purchase. Black Panther is the only one I'd actively avoid watching again, and refuse to buy a copy unless it snuck itself into an amazing box set.
I seriously doubt I'm going to loathe Captain Marvel as much as BP, but it has no real draw or impact for me. I'm sure she'll be awesome in Endgame, much like BP was in Civil War. I'm just not going to spend $30 on tickets for two and $50-70 on food like I have for most Marvel films to see this one.
Discount Supergirl isn't gonna get my money.
The most normal one I've seen is "Tripper." He reported to his squadron with the first two female pilots in the Navy. So he became Tripper, like Jack Tripper from Three's Company.
My favorite is "Killface." It's this 5 foot nothing chick. I don't know the story behind it, but fuck I can only imagine.
The only problem with that movie is the entire thing would have been resolved if the good guys and bad guys agreed to work together. They all wanted something different. Nothing overlapped. Congrats, you did it. The end.Watched Antman and the Wasp on Netflix last night. No expectations going in and it was better than Thor 1&2, Black Panther, Iron Man 2&3, Dr. Strange, and Spiderman. I haven't seen this yet but the peeps saying it was on par with Thor 2 make me think that it is below Antman and the Wasp also. Hilarious.
They fucked up Apocalypse. There are pictures of a better goddamn Comicon costume Apoc than the fucking shit they put in that movie.
Motherfucker has done FIVE Sniper movies...When I watched that movie I could just think of Tom Berenger and his leathery, moist face every time Apocalypse was on screen
How about the scene towards the end when Brie is getting her powers, and the movie is playing Nirvana, and Annette Benning is doing some weird dance. God there were some scenes that were just fucking HORRIBLE. .... Rewatching Ragnarok right now, Blanchet's "Hela" is fucking amazing, she's charismatic, perfectly acted, physical, etc. Just infinitely better than Brie. I truly think, even with the exact same script, that Captain Marvel would have been a better movie with ANY other actress. (I'm not saying the script was great or perfect, it was only "above decent", but that the movie itself would have been better with any other actress given everything else being the same.)
Hela is my MCU second best villian, in some areas shes better than thanos, she shows more spunk, cate blanchett really did great, where lazy bitches like annett benning, glenn close and tilda swinton were a waste of space.How about the scene towards the end when Brie is getting her powers, and the movie is playing Nirvana, and Annette Benning is doing some weird dance. God there were some scenes that were just fucking HORRIBLE. .... Rewatching Ragnarok right now, Blanchet's "Hela" is fucking amazing, she's charismatic, perfectly acted, physical, etc. Just infinitely better than Brie. I truly think, even with the exact same script, that Captain Marvel would have been a better movie with ANY other actress. (I'm not saying the script was great or perfect, it was only "above decent", but that the movie itself would have been better with any other actress given everything else being the same.)
Tilda Swinton's shit performance came as a huge shock, she was exceptional in the CS Lewis movies and she was great in Constantine. this should have been in her wheelhouse, instead she just phoned it in.Hela is my MCU second best villian, in some areas shes better than thanos, she shows more spunk, cate blanchett really did great, where lazy bitches like annett benning, glenn close and tilda swinton were a waste of space.
Motherfucker has done FIVE Sniper movies...