I wouldn't say no one gives a fuck about female superheroes. I've always enjoyed them in the comics. But I stopped reading over 20 years ago, so I never got any of the SJW infestation either. But plenty of female superheroes would have gotten me into the theaters, Captain Marvel being near the top of that list. I get why everyone is concerned that this is going to turn into another Black Panther, and I share some of your trepidation, but I'm not going to condemn it until I've seen it.
It just seems a little dismissive to say that no one cares except SJWs. I'd love a good She-Hulk movie, or Spider-Woman, or Rogue, despite the fact that Anna Paquin basically ruined the character, or an actual great Phoenix story with a great actress that isn't as horrible and shitty as Sansa. Rogue from the comics was great, actually. And regardless, the movies have made me like characters I never cared about just as much as it has made me hate some that I really liked. I was sick of Wolverine in comics, because he was fucking everywhere. Movies though, I'll take all the Hugh Jackman I can get, despite some of the massive stinkers he's been in. Never cared much about Iron Man or Captain America either, but the movies made me love them. So they could take any character and make me love them if they did it right. I honestly don't care if they are male or female, or part horse for that matter (Beta Ray Bill, my boy!). Like I said, I get why the naysayers are naysaying, and you might end up being right. But I hope not.
Except Gambit. He's always going to be the gayest faggot that ever minced across a comic book page. Gayer than Northstar gay even.