People watch women golf? On purpose?
Nobody watches the WNBA... good work ad execs.
there is more.Oh god, just seeing that caption "also talking about privilege" makes me want to vomit. Can't even click on that shit.
IOotI though...
I think it'd be pretty epic if either:
1) During the post-credits to Captain Marvel it pops up on the screen "25 years later..." and It shows Captain Marvel's beeper going off with the message "Incoming message from Nick Fury" and as she's reading the message, you see her body dusting off LoL. Then you realize it's a year-long sham that Captain Marvel is this deus-ex-machina type savior and it makes you even MORE hopeless for the remaining Avengers in End Game (but also makes people like us cheer that this SJW-cunt was dusted off too... 2 birds/1 snap)
2) She survives the snap and in AV4 she shows up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to square off with Thanos in the first 15 minutes of the film and she gets her head squished in ala Oberyn, thereby triggering the audience to shit bricks at Thanos's Godliness and making Stark realize the only way to defeat a God at this point is to go back in time before God was God... etc etc. and the film can continue to be awesome Brie-less for the rest of the 2hrs 45min remaining.
Either scenario would be pretty sweet~
When are we gonna stop collectively hallucinating that women make compelling hero characters?
Ellen Ripley might be the only time it has ever been accomplished in film.
I’m done throwing my money at this kife.
Bench pressing with Linda Hamilton
”All last summer I couldn’t wait to take my clothes off,” says Hamilton of her new musculature: bulging biceps and delineated shoulders, a washboard stomach and marathoner’s legs. ”I’d pull my little crop top up — I had a running bra on — for anyone who wanted to see. It’s just wonderful when you fall in love with your body. Arnold was low-key at first, but then when he saw how strong I was, he was thrilled.” He even let her loose in the gym he sets up on locations and taught her how to pose with her best bicep forward.
Hamilton, 34, was a recent mother (her son, Dalton Abbott, is now 20 months old) with a few pounds of baby fat left when personal trainer Anthony Cortes began working with her last summer, 13 weeks before T2 shooting started. They trained for three hours a day, six days a week, usually in the garage of the actress’ Santa Monica home. Hamilton also shed 12 pounds on a nonfat diet that revolved around cereal with skim milk, chicken, and dry salads. The regimen continued throughout the grueling six-month shoot. Her drills included aerobic exercise (running, biking, swimming, or stair-climbing) followed by free weights interspersed with mini-trampoline work — and, for dessert, walking lunges or an abdominal series.
On top of all that, Hamilton says, an Israeli commando, Uzi Gal, primed her for action scenes with ”judo and heavy-duty military training. I learned to load clips, change mags, check out a room upon entry, verify kills. It was very vicious stuff. And it was sheer hell.” She went through the training ”because Sarah would have,” but she did set limits. ”He would have liked to have had me swimming in the ocean at dawn with a 50-pound pack,” she says. ”But I have a son who needed me too.”
this was the result of 3 hours training 6 days a week.
Brie Larson is pants on fire.
Quaid has a point. While I love the character of Sarah Connor (the non bullshit versions) her character after the first movie was essentially just a man with tits. Even her maternal side was more of how a father interacts with their children than that of a woman. This is fine, but heroic characters that actually maintain enough femininity to still be considered a traditional woman are few and far between (Ripley. DS9's Kira/Dax etc...)