Captain Marvel (2019)


<Prior Amod>
Hey guys, just one last word.

It was wrong of me to swoop in here and say I wanted to move some stuff around without first asking, I thought I was helping, and I ended up doing the opposite. Just wanted to offer one last apology and I appreciate the "tuff love" (some of you hate me I get it) but I'm always looking to learn how to do a better job, so thank you.

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Hey guys, just one last word.

It was wrong of me to swoop in here and say I wanted to move some stuff around without first asking, I thought I was helping, and I ended up doing the opposite. Just wanted to offer one last apology and I appreciate the "tuff love" (some of you hate me I get it) but I'm always looking to learn how to do a better job, so thank you.


Too late, I've already started the impeachment proceedings.


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<Prior Amod>
I think it comes down to two simple points they were aiming at:

1: Need a new core lead for the series to replace Cap/IM.
2: Should probably do a female character because that's where the winds are blowing

Captain Marvel is really one of the very few characters that fits those two things. Scarlet Witch and Widow are just not leader material.

I think things went wrong in the casting of Brie. Whether they realized it later and couldn't backtrack or not doesn't matter. We're stuck with her, and in the process they've pissed off some of the people who were the reason these movies/comics existed in the first place.

Honest question;

Do they really lose anything though? All of us will still see the movie, or the majority at least, right? Now they've pandered to a whole new audience that may not have been watching their movies.

Not saying I think its a smart trade off because I'm annoyed with hearing about this stuff all the time too...but from a studio you really care?

Too late, I've already started the impeachment proceedings.



No!! I /endhomo'ed it! The gay stopped!


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Hey guys, just one last word.

It was wrong of me to swoop in here and say I wanted to move some stuff around without first asking, I thought I was helping, and I ended up doing the opposite. Just wanted to offer one last apology and I appreciate the "tuff love" (some of you hate me I get it) but I'm always looking to learn how to do a better job, so thank you.


never apologize
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Honest question;

Do they really lose anything though? All of us will still see the movie, or the majority at least, right? Now they've pandered to a whole new audience that may not have been watching their movies.

Not saying I think its a smart trade off because I'm annoyed with hearing about this stuff all the time too...but from a studio you really care?

I honestly don't think any of this will have an effect. I believe people will still go and see it and the studio will make money. I'm OK with that. What scares me is that it might be taken as a sign that her special recipe of horseshit will be taken as a good thing and it will encourage more of it. Think about what would have happened if the Ghostbusters reboot hadn't flopped hard? It would have been a rallying cry to gender politics driving movie-making. That's no good for anyone.

I've made my choice to not watch it and I have no interest in telling others to not watch it. But I'm also not going to shut up about her actions, because I don't hate myself.
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Potato Supreme
Honest question;

Do they really lose anything though? All of us will still see the movie, or the majority at least, right? Now they've pandered to a whole new audience that may not have been watching their movies.

Not saying I think its a smart trade off because I'm annoyed with hearing about this stuff all the time too...but from a studio you really care?

We've seen Star Wars go down this road. Does it mean the next Star Wars won't be a success? Of course not. But it also won't get the unending love years away from release that previous Star Wars movies got. If Marvel wants the short-term success of a few thousand more "fans" going to see the movie, that's their call. But they lose out on the 10 year die-hards that still talk about what an event it was the first time they went to see it.
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Vyemm Raider
I think the discussion and where it's going is valid, and due to the actions of those involved in the movie.

but i would like to quantify how many in this thread have actually seen the movie and their opinion. i think there's been 2? both viewed the movie as OK to Good, middle of the road for Marvel. is that a far sum thus far?
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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
Hey guys, just one last word.

It was wrong of me to swoop in here and say I wanted to move some stuff around without first asking, I thought I was helping, and I ended up doing the opposite. Just wanted to offer one last apology and I appreciate the "tuff love" (some of you hate me I get it) but I'm always looking to learn how to do a better job, so thank you.

You backed down and now they will never stop picking on you. Its the rule of the internet.
Should have intentionally misgendered some of those fucks and/or questioned their sexual preferences(lets face it, chances are they are perverts anyway) but never apologized.
Plebs love them selves a strong arm leader.
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<Prior Amod>
I honestly don't think any of this will have an effect. I believe people will still go and see it and the studio will make money. I'm OK with that. What scares me is that it might be taken as a sign that her special recipe of horseshit will be taken as a good thing and it will encourage more of it. Think about what would have happened if the Ghostbusters reboot hadn't flopped hard? It would have been a rallying cry to gender politics driving movie-making. That's no good for anyone.

I've made my choice to not watch it and I have no interest in telling others to not watch it. But I'm also not going to shut up about her actions, because I don't hate myself.

You wont watch it perior or you want pay to watch it? On that note are you out for End Game too then? Im just curious, I'm too vested at this point to walk away but I'm not above just simply not giving them money.


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
Hey guys, just one last word.

It was wrong of me to swoop in here and say I wanted to move some stuff around without first asking, I thought I was helping, and I ended up doing the opposite. Just wanted to offer one last apology and I appreciate the "tuff love" (some of you hate me I get it) but I'm always looking to learn how to do a better job, so thank you.


Kiroy Kiroy is correct never apologize. Just down some Covfefe and tell everyone to eat a dick.

Honest question;

Do they really lose anything though? All of us will still see the movie, or the majority at least, right?

I guess that remains to be seen. I know all this bullshit at least for me personally has me second guessing if I want to bother seeing this shit. I mean it isn't like Captain Marvel has some massive following like other characters in the Marvel universe do.

Now I am committed to seeing ENDGAME 100% even if this dumpster fires, but if the future of Marvel is Faggots, Trannies, and Blue Hairs then I will nope the fuck out of this shit on to something else. There is plenty of entertainment to be had that doesn't force some political ideology or hate me for being White and/or Male.

Disney used to be smart enough that the only color that mattered to them was green. If they have been infested by this cancer then fuck em nice knowing you.
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I think the discussion and where it's going is valid, and due to the actions of those involved in the movie.

but i would like to quantify how many in this thread have actually seen the movie and their opinion. i think there's been 2? both viewed the movie as OK to Good, middle of the road for Marvel. is that a far sum thus far?

Movie comes out in wide-release tomorrow. You'll see the discussion switch over to the actual film tomorrow night most likely.
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You wont watch it perior or you want pay to watch it? On that note are you out for End Game too then? Im just curious, I'm too vested at this point to walk away but I'm not above just simply not giving them money.

I mentioned it a few pages ago but I've decided to not watch it at all, even via torrents. I'm going to watch a spoiler synopsis on youtube just for context for Endgame, which I'll watch because I want the payoff for the story I've been following for close to a decade. After that? We'll see.

Edit: As for why I won't watch it at all: It simply won't be possible for me to filter out the political shit from the movie, and it will be an unpleasant experience no matter how good it is. I can't separate the movie from the debate at this point.
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<Prior Amod>
I mentioned it a few pages ago but I've decided to not watch it at all, even via torrents. I'm going to watch a spoiler synopsis on youtube just for context for Endgame, which I'll watch because I want the payoff for the story I've been following for close to a decade. After that? We'll see.

Gotcha. Well I applaud you for your steadfastness on the issue. You explained where I was going with my thinking and come End Game not knowing everything that may be happening.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You certainly didn't need to have watched any of the previous movies to enjoy Infinity War, I expect the same will be true with Endgame.


<Prior Amod>
You certainly didn't need to have watched any of the previous movies to enjoy Infinity War, I expect the same will be true with Endgame.

I didn't see Black Panther before Infinity War and I was slightly lost on a couple things....but that involved a lot more elements than simply one character will me thinks.
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Millie's Staff Member
You wont watch it perior or you want pay to watch it? On that note are you out for End Game too then? Im just curious, I'm too vested at this point to walk away but I'm not above just simply not giving them money.
im going to watch CM, but i am not going to pay for it. at this point, i will have to because it could be more lolz and its only fair if i'm going to shit on it i should at least see the damned thing.
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Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
I saw enough of Black Panther in Infinity War that I know I'm really not interested in seeing it
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
You will be able to figure out that Ant-man has a gizmo that enables X and Y in Endgame without seeing Ant-man 2 and knowing all the quantum tunnel backstory. Should be the same for this.


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
I didn't see Black Panther before Infinity War and I was slightly lost on a couple things....but that involved a lot more elements than simply one character will me thinks.

I mean Black Panther can pretty much be summed up as "We wuz kangz n sheeit" Most advanced society on earth but we still use spears and bark at each other.
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