Captain Marvel (2019)


Potato Supreme
End Game may be more of an ironic movie title for Marvel than they even know
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Log Wizard
Seeing it in 3.5 hours. I'm pretty much just going to evaluate if it was better/worse than Black Panther. God knows Marvel hasn't had a good origin movie since Iron Man though.
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Trakanon Raider
I was buying this as a real post until you said "sheila". Thats a bit too much Crocodile Dundee to be real. So what gives mate? Who is your main account?

No troll. This is my main account. I went into the movie with very low expectations. Mainly because of this thread.
Simply telling you I enjoyed it.
Sheila...some woman who rants shit you dont care to listen to. Big deal.
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Throbbing Member
cams or....

Looks like 1Xbet cams atm.

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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Currently no showings are sold out at the theater near me, and all shows for the rest of the day are maybe 50-70% full. So this can't be doing too amazing, though it is a Thursday..


Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
Further more, people like Brie Larson are given this platform to spout their inane nonsense because the backlash of the people that fight back. If Brie stands there swinging at the air, and everyone just stared for a moment then turned around and walked away, she would look like a fool. By fighting with her, you are validating what she stands for.

The only thing that matters is money... UNLESS, you make it about more than just money. You retards are making it about social justice nonsense. So even if it is a shit movie that fails, Brie and Disney have a prime excuse. You.

Good job, morons.

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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, like I said I was just trying to help, when I got push back I backed off. Wasn't trying to cause issues. Sorry guys.

Edit: Also I've not moved anything anywhere that the mod team hasn't directed me to move. So not sure where that part came from either.

There should always be degrees of separation from an argument you have and moderator actions taken by you.

Whenever I was a mod in the past, one of the clear rules we had was that we should never even talk about moderator actions in a thread we were actively participating in, especially if that thread was heated.

This is precisely why you have multiple mods on boards and why some people aren't cut out to be mods at all.
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Uncle Tanya
torrents available.
tenor (1).gif

I trust the judgment of my fellows on here that it's not bad at all, just not amazing. As much I genuinely think Brie the actress is a pompous cunt-noodle, I can't simply not see a Marvel film...I just can't. They're just not getting my money for it, it's the most (or least in this context? heh) I can do.

Also, for certain individuals who are saying it's all just overreaction SJW nonsense up in this piece... y'know, it's not that I don't understand where you're coming from or what you mean. It's just that you're completely wrong :)

2 words for you who disagree:

Slippery Slope
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Currently no showings are sold out at the theater near me, and all shows for the rest of the day are maybe 50-70% full. So this can't be doing too amazing, though it is a Thursday..
If I had to wager, I'd bet on a box office take in the neighborhood of Wonder Woman (~$800M global, 50% domestic)


Buzzfeed Editor
Further more, people like Brie Larson are given this platform to spout their inane nonsense because the backlash of the people that fight back. If Brie stands there swinging at the air, and everyone just stared for a moment then turned around and walked away, she would look like a fool. By fighting with her, you are validating what she stands for.

The only thing that matters is money... UNLESS, you make it about more than just money. You retards are making it about social justice nonsense. So even if it is a shit movie that fails, Brie and Disney have a prime excuse. You.

Good job, morons.

Oh god, this shit again. This is not how religions and cults work, at all. Religions become stronger the less they are fucked with, because they grow through in-group affirmation of principles. They actually weaken with out-group challenges. We have a shit fucking ton of studies showing that people willing to proselytize views in groups where everyone else does not react will eventually win over the group. Your attitude "ignore it and it will go away" is what let this cancer eat through academia. Do you think anyone challenged gender studies professors? No. They all took your advice. And within 30 years they had their own "journals" (Scripture) and were some of the most well funded, largest departments on Campus because they RELENTLESSLY pushed their views.

People like YOU validate her views. Because when companies pimp her out, and she walks out smugly to speak and NO ONE pushes back at all, she still goes back stage and gets a bunch of high fives from fellow cult members about how brave and powerful she was. So she still gets positive social reinforcement, and now zero negative consequences, which only facilitates more adherence to social heuristics that produce such amazing outcomes. Your advice is the worst advice anyone dealing with this can take. It has no basis in reality, and only serves to somehow make your impotence feel like a strength that makes you better than those with the balls to push back.

Edit: Also, you're wrong about even the money thing. Look the Roseane fiasco. Plenty of sources indicate the executives knew they'd lose money, and even regretted the choice to fire her because of what a fucking gold mine she was--but the ideology required it. That is what makes this new religion so dangerous, it is making people irrational enough to make them less risk averse in the face of potential wealth loss. When major companies start PICKING SIDES in political debates, which almost always is a net negative in terms of value (Which is why companies almost never fucking did it before), you should understand there is more at play here than money. The only thing you even got remotely right in your entire stream of nonsense was that yes, all of these people have a kind of self fulfilling excuse as to why they fail--its the same pattern any religious person (Or idiot in general who can't understand complex systems) uses to avoid potentially finding fault with their idiotic ideology, blame everything else. That's going to happen regardless of its spoken about.

I'm not even sure how you can be a functional human being, and watch how the media strips context and scours for outrage evidence and believe somehow that the 'reality' the response would have had any effect on the perception of it. For fuck sake we just watched a bunch of school boys get turned into Nazis by well known journalists because they smiled at a native American. Do you really think the REALITY of what happens means a god damn thing to these people? No. The less you speak, the STRONGER their position is, because major media has drunk the fucking Kool Aid, and they will make 2+2=5 to get their white male heternormative devil, regardless of your actions. The only way to stop it is to ridicule them for being delusional. But if NO ONE speaks out, like your amazing advice says? No one will objectively know if the Emporer actually has a set of new clothes, but they will be forced to believe it rather than risk seeming delusional themselves. Talking about this stuff is the only way to prevent that, its the only way to maintain an objective view of facts and keep these idiots in check.
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View attachment 197428

I trust the judgment of my fellows on here that it's not bad at all, just not amazing. As much I genuinely think Brie the actress is a pompous cunt-noodle, I can't simply not see a Marvel film...I just can't. They're just not getting my money for it, it's the most (or least in this context? heh) I can do.

Also, for certain individuals who are saying it's all just overreaction SJW nonsense up in this piece... y'know, it's not that I don't understand where you're coming from or what you mean. It's just that you're completely wrong :)

2 words for you who disagree:

Slippery Slope

The term slippery slope doesn't apply to anything anymore. We're in Icy slope territory now. This applies to both ends of the spectrum. Tensions are too high and people are becoming more radical in their approach.

In this case, a slippery slope would be shoe-horning more women into MCU roles solely because they're women. The icy slope would be shoe-horning LGBT characters into the roles because why stop at just women? Nevermind that sexuality shouldn't fucking matter one way or the other.

Oh look: Marvel Producer Says The World Is Ready For An LGBT Superhero

You know how gaming now is all about all the characters being anything but white and male, except for a few token ones, with the rest being a cavalcade of gay, bi, trans, ethnic tropes? That's what the SJW circus act cried for and their literal fuck-buddy journalist friends supported it every way, and turned criticism of it into making the world think the dissenters were misogynist nazi's. Well, that's coming to movies in full-force. The X-Men stuff is going to be the prime delivery mechanism for this when it comes to the MCU.

Name an area of entertainment hasn't already succumbed to this shit, or is in the process of succumbing to it and I'll show you where and how you aren't looking close enough.

Can't say I can blame the spineless clowns like Fight for keeping their heads under the sand. Who the fuck wants to have their escapisms tainted by ideology? Nobody, that's who. But here we are... only wanting to play some video games and watch some movies. Unfortunately, that's unacceptable for some people and our enjoyment has to be turned into a vulnerability to exploit for their half-baked ideology.
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Uncle Tanya
Name an area of entertainment hasn't already succumbed to this shit, or is in the process of succumbing to it and I'll show you where and how you aren't looking close enough.

But the music "industry" is a different animal. Especially today vs. pre internet where file sharing became a thing. For all the shit that Metallica got for their fight against Napster back then in which they were called money-hungry and over-controlling, they WERE 100% correct and were actually ahead of their time. They saw how it would all unravel before anyone else did. The once-coveted album has definitely fallen from grace. The music industry is now just singles dropped on the radio and/or YouTube debuts... albums are just afterthoughts it seems like.

As far as how the SJW rot and music mix or don't mix... music as a product is still mainly about individuals or bands / groups no larger than like 5 ppl with a host of suits in the background. It'd be hard to really push an ideological agenda through the industry. Curious how you'd think it could be though, if at all.
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But the music "industry" is a different animal. Especially today vs. pre internet where file sharing became a thing. For all the shit that Metallica got for their fight against Napster back then in which they were called money-hungry and over-controlling, they WERE 100% correct and were actually ahead of their time. They saw how it would all unravel before anyone else did. The once-coveted album has definitely fallen from grace. The music industry is now just singles dropped on the radio and/or YouTube debuts... albums are just afterthoughts it seems like.

As far as how the SJW rot and music mix or don't mix... music as a product is still mainly about individuals or bands / groups no larger than like 5 ppl with a host of suits in the background. It'd be hard to really push an ideological agenda through the industry. Curious how you'd think it could be though, if at all.

Even music has some issues at play

Death Metal Label Shuts Down After Paypal, Credit Processors Pull Out Due To DOJ, FDIC Initiative

... PayPal pulling out support for processing purchases, along with the creditors at Visa and MasterCard because the company was labeled as “high risk”, “promoting hatred”, “promoting violence”, and “promoting hate speech”.


<Prior Amod>
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That sorta things been around a long time though and hasn’t really escalated beyond that level though. From NWA to Tipper waging war on the industry it’s always been around for our lifetimes at least.

Not saying that’s a good thing mind you...just that it always seems to stay within certain levels I guess.

It wasn't good then and it isn't good now. Much of why I detest things like this is because I lived through the moral panic of the 80's and 90's. I lost friends because I was into D&D and their mothers thought I was a satanist because of it. Now I see the exact same thing but in reverse, and with massive sociatal support. The difference now is that there are an endless stream of politicians actively pushing for this stuff and into policy making. We had people with backbone standing up to the Tipper's of the world, and industries willing to self-govern in order to keep things in check.

The song may be the same, but it's being sung by a large crowd, and that crowd has the backing of the system and in the case of the metal link: the banking system.


Anywho, the movie comes out tomorrow so I'm going to let this go and let the conversation switch to the actual movie without shitting things up.
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Trump's Staff
View attachment 197428

I trust the judgment of my fellows on here that it's not bad at all, just not amazing. As much I genuinely think Brie the actress is a pompous cunt-noodle, I can't simply not see a Marvel film...I just can't. They're just not getting my money for it, it's the most (or least in this context? heh) I can do.

Also, for certain individuals who are saying it's all just overreaction SJW nonsense up in this piece... y'know, it's not that I don't understand where you're coming from or what you mean. It's just that you're completely wrong :)

2 words for you who disagree:

Slippery Slope

Some chick makes illogical shitty decision.

News at 11.