About your only recourse there is to get a letter from your previous insurance company stating all of the details of the claims.
CLUE reports basically only give basic details like "5/12/2010 - Comprehensive - $800 - Operator

alum" And thats it. We can't see any claim details whatsoever other than cold, hard facts(dates, payouts, drivers). We often have to get new customers to get a letter from their previous insured with more details, as they may have a "Collision - $4000" claim on their record, but there is no way to know if they were at fault or not. could easily be a hit-and-run or something like that. If you are getting quotes from a decent agent, they should be willing to get exceptions from their underwriters if you can provide written proof that you actually weren't at-fault in these claims. That is the one benefit of using a local agent, rather than just getting quotes from a random call center somewhere or online, you can get a real person that will work with you despite what the cold hard facts say in a computer printout.