Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ao, I looked at Butcher:
Mind Blast - Slightly low count, like 3 or 4.
Mind Spike - You did 25, should be almost double that.
Insanity - This is where your major dps loss is. You've got 24 ticks of MF and only 13 ticks of Insanity for the whole fight. Should be zero ticks of MF, and close to 60 ticks of Insanity. That's literally like 500k damage missing.
- 6 is good.
DoTs - Looks like you could be weaving in more, but hard for me to say just looking at logs. Basically I'm comparing the number of DoTs simcraft casts on a 3m12s fight to the number you actually did in game.
Cascade - SimC says it's a dps increase to use it on cooldown even single target. That said, Halo sims higher by a few hundred dps so you might want to use that instead (if you ever get to do the fight without being a wound bitch, that is). There's an addon called HaloPro btw, it's great for checking the range to your target and finding the sweet spot for max damage.
For bosses like Twins there's another issue--you'll want to run the CoP/DoTweave rotation on the main target but still tab-DoT everything else. Only exception to this is when there's 5 total mobs up on Tectus; for that small window of the fight just focus on skull with the normal rotation and use Mind Sear in place of Mind Flay. Soon as one dies, you're back to tab-targeting.
Regarding Ovale, I just checked to see if people are having any problems with it, and there was a pretty serious bug fixed on 1/12. After that, reports are that it's working very well as far as following the simc APLs as closely as possible.
For reference, you sim at 22k on a 3m15s Patchwerk fight. Allowing for real world mechanics, having to deal with moving in and out for wounds, etc. you should be able to hit somewhere in the 19-20k range.
Mind Blast - Slightly low count, like 3 or 4.
Mind Spike - You did 25, should be almost double that.
Insanity - This is where your major dps loss is. You've got 24 ticks of MF and only 13 ticks of Insanity for the whole fight. Should be zero ticks of MF, and close to 60 ticks of Insanity. That's literally like 500k damage missing.
DoTs - Looks like you could be weaving in more, but hard for me to say just looking at logs. Basically I'm comparing the number of DoTs simcraft casts on a 3m12s fight to the number you actually did in game.
Cascade - SimC says it's a dps increase to use it on cooldown even single target. That said, Halo sims higher by a few hundred dps so you might want to use that instead (if you ever get to do the fight without being a wound bitch, that is). There's an addon called HaloPro btw, it's great for checking the range to your target and finding the sweet spot for max damage.
For bosses like Twins there's another issue--you'll want to run the CoP/DoTweave rotation on the main target but still tab-DoT everything else. Only exception to this is when there's 5 total mobs up on Tectus; for that small window of the fight just focus on skull with the normal rotation and use Mind Sear in place of Mind Flay. Soon as one dies, you're back to tab-targeting.
Regarding Ovale, I just checked to see if people are having any problems with it, and there was a pretty serious bug fixed on 1/12. After that, reports are that it's working very well as far as following the simc APLs as closely as possible.
For reference, you sim at 22k on a 3m15s Patchwerk fight. Allowing for real world mechanics, having to deal with moving in and out for wounds, etc. you should be able to hit somewhere in the 19-20k range.