On my battle.net list I see Faydark online in Firelands on Hyjal.Does it show faydark logged into the game on remote chat atm? I dont have remote chat and I cant log in
I believe this is a_skeleton_03's goal but as of yet it has not been finalized, I know there appears to be a lot of interest in it but whether it comes together or not is yet to be seen.Is there any group of you doing weekly scheduled 10ms come WoD with the intention of going for whatever the new hard mode is?
Would like to play a DK main tank / dps but can boost whatever to 90 and raid with it. IDGAF what I raid with honestly in the end.
Mythic is the new HMs, and it's a strict 20 person run (no cross-server either).Is there any group of you doing weekly scheduled 10ms come WoD with the intention of going for whatever the new hard mode is?
Would like to play a DK main tank / dps but can boost whatever to 90 and raid with it. IDGAF what I raid with honestly in the end.