I have and continue to read tons of old stuff. The Eddas, Chaucer in Middle English, the Decameron (what Canterbury Tales was based on), Anglo Saxon Chronicle, Book of Invasions, Gesta Danorum, geoffery of monmouth, pliny etc.
Sorry didn't mean that as an insult. Like I say, I believe art is very Objective and it's the finer details that are Subjective. Art for me is the attempt to capture beauty. Because why would you enshrine ugliness or weakness or failure. Art has a duty to reflect the Philosophy of the people who create it. When you enshrine ugliness, wimsy, depression, and generally a highly negative and uncaring view of the natural order of your world. That then becomes a representation of the world you lived in throughout history. Is Jackson Pollack, Warhol, and Matress girl what we wish to be remembered by?