Golden Knight of the Realm
- 1,554
- 492
I prefer voluntary military or peace corps participation for a period of 4 years to earn the right to vote.
- 1
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Also I assume you would qualify to vote under this dumbass ruleset?
First thing first, only White men should be able to vote.
Giving women the right to vote was probably worse than letting the American Inventors vote.
I love and respect women but they are emotional creatures and can't make decisions like a man can.
You run out shit like 'women being able to vote' would be a downside, and I'm the dumb one?
I don't know where all this stupid Nationalist shit came from but yes I agree convicted felons should not be able to vote, I would also be comfortable with people receiving social service aid not being able to vote due to obvious conflict of interest
It's ironic how similar some of this sounds to ivory tower liberals complaining about the rural white working class always voting against their own self-interest. If only they knew better ...
No, no it doesn't. I'm very clearly stating that giving low information people the ability to vote makes this country worse.
Oh it's the same flavor of shit alright. We can't have nice things (the country is worse off) because a certain segment of the electorate is perpetually hoodwinked (low information voters, ie. people who don't agree with us). The only difference is that true to the tenants of modern conservatism you'd like to see a return to the days of voting rights being restricted to a more select group of individuals though you sometimes hear some liberals say much the same.
You said "Yeah it would be a downside to this system, women would make the IQ cut."
'I am all for equality, except I'm not, because women passing a test I instituted would somehow be a downside.'
They passed your fucking test but it's a bad thing? Because they are female?
I'm not even going to get into a_skeleton_02 going straight to Racism 101.
Yeah daddy, I want to go back to the old way of doing things. Take care of me and mine and do the right thing on my behalf, because I sure as hell can't handle making a decision. What with being an emotional creature.
Only fair that the real movers and shakers be the ones with the vote. Landed white males deciding the future of everyone
Trump vs. Hillary.
What a stupid fucking thread.
Another thing to point out. In almost every other thread we discuss people wanting something for nothing. Then when I say voting should require being earned all of a sudden it's a given? That's retarded, if anything the standard should be higher when your vote can change the lives of 330 million people.
It's not the idea itself that is unreasonable, it's your expectation that such a concept could ever be fairly constructed or applied.