I've trumpeted "bullshit Marxist crap"? First of all, try not using two different words for excrement one word apart if you want to sound intelligent. As far as pushing "Marxist" views, where and when? You're a fucking moron. I own a business, for fuck's sake. I'm pro business, trade, and markets. I have a healthy dislike of most organized labor groups, although I do think there's a place for unions. If you've read my posts and come away with the impression I'm a Marxist, then you are a complete fucking moron.
And yes, it is absolute hypocrisy for you, an admitted "professional thief" in your past, to be making proposals to disenfranchise the majority of your fellow citizens. You "made a huge mistake"? No you didn't. While I don't know the details obviously, you made a sustained string of decisions to enter a lifestyle centered around depriving your fellow man of their hard earned property, because you're a fucking scum bag. You didn't just make one bad decision and end up where you did. And don't fucking try to blame it on youth, being in your early 20's. Fuck off with that shit.
If you paid your debt to society and have been a productive member of it for the past 15 years, then awesome! The difference between me and you is, I'm not saying you should be permanently disenfranchised because you were a cunt for a sustained period of your life. And quite obviously, my comment about putting bullet in you for being a thief was hyperbole, before you bother bringing it up. I don't actually advocate shooting thieves. Even though it would probably make the world a better place on the whole.