Sanrith Descartes

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I wonder if this AI could do a better job than the humans did writing the Penthouse Forums back in the day.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Author posted a website with a link to the full book.

An excerpt from the first chapter:

Chapter 1
Lady Shadow glided into The Midnight Lounge, her presence commanding attention without
effort. The soft glow of holographic displays cast an ethereal aura around her sleek, black
attire. Her piercing gaze swept across the room, taking in every detail with calculated
Regulars nodded respectfully as she passed, a silent acknowledgment of her status. She
approached the bar, her movements fluid and purposeful.
"The usual," she said, her voice clear and authoritative.
The bartender, a cybernetically enhanced individual with glowing circuitry tracing his arms,
nodded and set about preparing her drink. Lady Shadow leaned against the bar, her posture
relaxed yet alert.
As the bartender worked, she scanned the room once more. The lounge was a blend of light and
shadow, filled with the quiet murmur of conversations and the occasional clink of glasses.
Patrons huddled in booths, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of data pads and neural
Her drink arrived - a complex concoction that shimmered with an otherworldly iridescence. She
took a sip, savoring the intricate blend of flavors that danced across her palate. The cool liquid
provided a stark contrast to the warmth of the lounge.
Lady Shadow's gaze lingered on a group of corporate types in the corner, their expensive suits
and augmented reality monocles marking them as out of place in this den of rebellion. Her eyes
narrowed slightly, cataloging their faces for future reference.
She moved to a secluded booth, the plush seating molding to her form. From this vantage
point, she could observe the entire lounge while remaining relatively inconspicuous. The soft
jazz playing in the background seemed to fade away as she delved into her thoughts.
Her current life was a far cry from the privileged upbringing she had once known. The weight of
responsibility pressed down on her shoulders, a constant reminder of the path she had chosen.
She ran her fingers along the edge of the table, feeling the smooth, cool surface grounding her
in the present.

99.99% AI.

Like the dude wasn't even trying, all that "prompt engineering" did nothing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

99.99% AI.

Like the dude wasn't even trying, all that "prompt engineering" did nothing.
I haven't heard of an AI detector that doesn't emit a huge amount of false positives.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I haven't heard of an AI detector that doesn't emit a huge amount of false positives.
This one is very good. Try to deceive it in either direction.

Even with highly engineered prompts to Claude, going for the most natural and/or stylized outputs that haven't looked AI to my eye, I haven't been able to beat 94%. Meanwhile, nothing human I've fed it gets past 1%.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This one is very good. Try to deceive it in either direction.

Even with highly engineered prompts to Claude, going for the most natural and/or stylized outputs that haven't looked AI to my eye, I haven't been able to beat 94%. Meanwhile, nothing human I've fed it gets past 1%.
Just checked it and got the same results, very interesting!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This one is very good. Try to deceive it in either direction.

Even with highly engineered prompts to Claude, going for the most natural and/or stylized outputs that haven't looked AI to my eye, I haven't been able to beat 94%. Meanwhile, nothing human I've fed it gets past 1%.

Short content seems problematic for it.



Stripping the text down to the essentials makes it even worse.
