<Prior Amod>
you guys live in dallas and can't find an asian grocer? you got at least 99ranch and hmart, and like dozens of stores that have some combination of (asian) (hong kong) (oriental)(shin) marketYeah I was so suggesting it because if you don't have a decent Asian market Asian Frozen items are pretty good and priced very well. I wonder if you're referring to the location that's pretty close to a HEB Central market over there in Fort Worth. If it's the one I hate that location. It's got the crappiest parking lot and it's busier than any other one I've ever been in, same thing with the Central market. They're both on the same street.
I just have gotten lazy before when we were making Asian stuff and thought hey I'll look at HEB and see if I can get whatever, and their selection and prices are pretty lackluster. Luckily I have a trader Joe's right across the street and it's easy to get in and out of.
they all cluster together,
like don't goto these asian grocers

it's like the paki indian crap