What do they say? Finally a use forAraysar , but alas...
Graphite was used as a neutron moderator for the RBMK reactor. When the core exploded all of the graphite was from inside the core and contained a crazy amount of radiation. You could not build a dome over the reactor while the graphite rock was still emitting radiation on the rooftops.
Thanks! So they plan to just build a dome over the reactor and not the entire complex? Was that clearly said at some point?
It's a great show but they skimp on these details which to me just brings on more questions with each step.
Thanks! So they plan to just build a dome over the reactor and not the entire complex? Was that clearly said at some point?
It's a great show but they skimp on these details which to me just brings on more questions with each step.
It's 2019 and they STILL haven't completed the concrete coffin that's meant to encase the exposed core material.
Episode 5 will get into the Sarcophagus.
They couldn't seal the entire site as the other 3 reactors remained in use. Last one went offline in the year 2000. No I'm not joking.
Was that explained clearly in the show? I guess that's my one beef with the show is that a lot of stuff is glossed over expecting the watchers to have been wiki wizards and have this knowledge beforehand. They could have cut down on the 40 min of dog killing to clear up some of these things. The entire scene with dead people kicking debris into the reactor left me puzzled.