Countries and regimes have fallen due to underestimating Americsn resolve in times of duress. We are currently greatly divided along ideological faultlines, but I have zero doubt that a disaster of this proportion would have us shoulder to shoulder. Americans at our core just step up when the bell rings.работа работа работа я только работаю
I don't see Trump exactly, but the show makes me wonder if the United States could pull together as effectively, regardless of President. You know the opening from Big Lebowski:
Sometimes there's a man... I won't say a hero, 'cause, what's a hero? But sometimes, there's a man. And I'm talkin' about Gorby here. Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that's the Gorby, in the USSR.
Not sure about you, but a couple of my keenest memories from 1986 might be The Super Bowl Bears and shortly after Challenger blowing up on live TV in my grade school classroom. I still remember the jokes from the bus rides that year: What does NASA stand for? Need Another Seven Astronauts. How do they know Christa McAuliffe had dandruff? They found her head and shoulders.
I don't think I ever had a teacher spend any amount of time on Chernobyl. I vaguely remember it as an ~1980s era joke about Russian competence. I think that's part of the allure of this show. It's a bit of valuable education school was silent on.
Should we gauge U.S readiness to deal with a Chernobyl-esque catastrophe based on the US' recent ability to manage hurricane disasters? Are those even relevant because they became so politicized? Can a country even know if it's ready for such a catastrophe? Was the USSR just incredibly good or incredibly lucky?
Yeah, never underestimate the Russian populace’s will to line up and die to the last man for the motherland.Countries and regimes have fallen due to underestimating Americsn resolve in times of duress. We are currently greatly divided along ideological faultlines, but I have zero doubt that a disaster of this proportion would have us shoulder to shoulder. Americans at our core just step up when the bell rings.
And this is not meant to take anything away from the Soviets. Their government may have been shit, but their people have always been ready to get it done when it counted.
Hitler certainly did.Yeah, never underestimate the Russian populace’s will to line up and die to the last man for the motherland.
“A major factor that contributed to the accident was the widespread assumption in Japan that its nuclear power plants were so safe that an accident of this magnitude was simply unthinkable. This assumption was accepted by nuclear power plant operators and was not challenged by regulators or by the Government. As a result, Japan was not sufficiently prepared for a severe nuclear accident in March 2011.” [August 2015 Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Foreword by the Director General]
Found a quote for Fukushima, no different
guess it's just Hubris
podcast said they had to cut a puppy killing scene where it was dying but they ran out of bullets, also they cut that mass puppy scene too
It's comical how good this is compared to 99% of the crap on TV, and it makes me cringe how they thought they had to add supernatural alien bears to The Terror to make it watchable.
podcast said they had to cut a puppy killing scene where it was dying but they ran out of bullets, also they cut that mass puppy scene too
Wasn't that due to being it based on a book though?
podcast said they had to cut a puppy killing scene where it was dying but they ran out of bullets, also they cut that mass puppy scene too
The area is totally habitable... if you dont mind 3 out of 4 of your kids dying, and you don't care if you live past 30. This is why animals and plants thrive there. they don't give a shit of most of their kids die, or if they all die. Wolves only have a 6-8 year life expectancy in the first place. radiation means shit to them.What Dom said is kind of confusing to me too, how was any human able to take a picture next to the corium deposit?
I understand decay and half life to an extent, so perhaps 10 or 20 years later the radiation levels arent as severe. Why then is the site still highly radioactive?
You would think that if the corium isnt as deadly, then most of the surrounding area is also less lethal. But then there is the fact that Pripyat will be uninhabitable for 20000 years at the very least?
So many questions this show has brought forward.
Yeah I can watch beheading videos on liveleak but no way could I watch a scene with them killing dogs and cats.
The hardest scene was probably when the young guy shoots the one dog just sitting there but then it doesn't kill him and you see it just bleeding and dying.