That sounds real retarded sir. Even magic cannot defeat the patriarchy!
Do I forego witch powers and immortality so I can start a High School Women's Intersectional Cultural and Creative Association (WICCA)?
I wonder...
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That sounds real retarded sir. Even magic cannot defeat the patriarchy!
I want to like this more. but its so hard...
Getting over how radically different it is from the "Chilling adventures" comic is tough. The story and characters are in many ways diametrically opposed.
But then there is also the sjw shit. Which is doubly frustrating as it doesnt make any fucking sense even in the context of the tv series own mythology.
"MALE priests of false god" are totes male and bad. oh, btw we also have male priests, and follow the male dark lord. Where the fuck is this anti-male shit even coming from? it makes no sense in the context of the fiction, where there are male witches, and they serve Satan. they arent fucking wicca worshipping a mother goddess.
Witches are heartless monsters, killing, eating people, summoning demons, worshiping satan etc... They sit there blasé as they discuss a demon eating a persons soul, and then moving onto another..
then, suddenly. omg humans killed a deer!? how very dare they! , the head priest took advantage of a young witch?! omg, how horrible! like, the writers forgot the witches are monsters. why would they suddenly care? they were also murdering child witches with the harrowing shit earlier.
Shit, I might have to reconsider this show!