I binged watched "Sabrina." Overall, good show. Genre is predominantly horror. That was a good decision. The sets and the strange 50's decor and the pastiche with modern-day was also a solid decision. The show seems to sit in an alternate reality. The show suffers (as many recent shows do), not in sets or costume design, or in acting,; which are all quite strong, but in overall writing quality. For example, the way the writers describe Lucifer, satanism, rituals, and use the Satanic terms is, at the same time, desensitizing, peculiar and cringe-worthy; but not at all believable or powerful. I have similar issues with the TV show, "Salem," not surprisingly.
It is such a beautiful show to watch, however. It peaks at Episode 5, which is a somewhat commonly-used dream trope, but well done none-the-less. The characters are quite good. I hope they get fleshed out more in season 2. I am all in for however long it lasts. I hope Netflix can keep it going for a few seasons.