In reality, California could become a golden bastion of freedom and the south + california are the good guys? i guess Cali can tag along if it means we get to obliterate DC and the northeast
I can't wait for you to realize you're not being insightful when you repeatedly type out something so obvious that most people don't even feel the need to say it. You are very, very retarded. You're not the fun type of autistic.I can't wait for this forum to flip on this movie when the full plot gets revealed
I can't wait for you to realize you're not being insightful when you repeatedly type out something so obvious that most people don't even feel the need to say it. You are very, very retarded. You're not the fun type of autistic.
I can't wait for this forum to flip on this movie when the full plot gets revealed
Who beside the US forum members would be remotely interested in this though?
These types of stories are always stupid because they treat America as existing in a vacuum. Any significant shooting war in the US would be immediately met with China instantly re-arranging the global trade order and the complete collapse of either side's economy along with the rest of the western world order.Oh god it won’t be any different than last time. A handful of liberal retards burning down their own cities, a bunch of conservative retards being pussies and not doing anything of substance, and life goes on.
In the modern world films like this have no true basis. It’s why RedDawn worked in the 80s but can’t with today’s tech. The military isn’t controlled by the states. It’s not like if Texas secedes their bases would align against the armies on the east coast. A federal military is the result of our civil war and preventing a future one. I’ll give this film a shot but ain’t no way it’s going to present. Pauline scenario of how a united Texas and California maintain a working economy, private military networks, and even move logistics.
Knowing Hollywood though the president will be a Trump analogy and everyone else is freedom fighters.
These types of stories are always stupid because they treat America as existing in a vacuum. Any significant shooting war in the US would be immediately met with China instantly re-arranging the global trade order and the complete collapse of either side's economy along with the rest of the western world order.
It's all nonsense because of supply chains.Personally, if the white guys start kicking off I'd be wondering how the hispanic/black population would react.
Sit back and watch the crackers fight it out and then roflstomp the survivors.
Yes and no. Like any good parasite, a lot of China's livelihood depends on the host and nothing would unify a split USA faster than a hit on our territory by a foreign power. Our days as an external trade power would certainly be over, I agree. The real external chaos would be all the fucking western countries we have been propping up getting eaten alive when we are not around to foot their defensive bill anymore.These types of stories are always stupid because they treat America as existing in a vacuum. Any significant shooting war in the US would be immediately met with China instantly re-arranging the global trade order and the complete collapse of either side's economy along with the rest of the western world order.