Football has to be the gayest fucking male to male anal penetration-docking afterwards sport ever invented.
Grats to Baylor's Defense - absolutely manhandled OSU's o-line. Spence was shit, but when you are getting pressure with 3 and 4 and dropping your LB's, and your best RB (by a mile) doesn't play for whatever reason, it's going to be a long day. Should have still won that game though, as Gundy and his dumb fuck OC Dunn had EIGHT FUCKING TRIES FROM THE 1 YARD LINE AND MANAGED A WHOPPING 3 POINTS ON THE LAST TWO DRIVES YOU DUMB FUCKING FAGGOTS. Not a single QB keeper/option in either drive (when that play has worked literally all season), instead they were like - hey, lets handoff to our shitty ass slow as Dr. FUCKING FAUCI 3rd string RB FROM FUCKING SHOTGUN when the Baylor DL was shooting gaps and dominating your bitch asses all game HOLY FUCK PASS ME THE EGGNOG. Fucking DICK SUCKING MORONIC RETARDS FROM OUTER SPACE.
Anyways, grats Kaines. Pretty deserved as the Dline looked excellent, and Aranda had your team ready to go - Pokes were still drunk for 2.5 quarters from winning their pussy fuck super bowl last weekend.
I'll always have 11/27-12/3/21 god damnit... twas' a week for the books.