'Splain to me what I'm looking at? Is this stuff you've been given to work off of for doing some of the artwork, or am I not understanding?
On a totally different subject, is there more Oh, Hell out there beyond the book I Kickstarted and loved?
Colonel Sanders Joins Green Lantern The Flash in a Battle for the World??Ts Best Chicken | DC
We(DC comics/Hi-Fi)did a KFC promo comic/ad last year. The Colonel of Two Worlds.
Working on a sequel atm.
"New Superman" script not subtlety sitting there either..
Atm, no on Oh, Hell. George would like to do more I'm sure. has mentioned it. Dave is always looking for more work. He's had a hard time "breaking in" with consistent comic work. I, on the other hand, was already working with Hi-Fi, and had other side projects before Oh, Hell. And my workload increased dramatically over the course. All Hi-Fi, all the time now. I would not really have the time for a second book, even if he is ready to move forward yet.
We(Hi-Fi) did have a few comics canceled. Starfire, Titans hunt, Justice League 3001, New Romancer. But, some other new ones. Scooby Apocalypse, New Superman at the moment. Harley Quinn gang of Harleys, Harley Quinn Little Black Book, Titan comics Dr. Who 4th, 10th. Dream police ending soon. 1 more of those I think. Supergirl adventures. general "pick up". we did Omega men #10 for example. Dream Sequences in Harley quinn, often we get as well. I did a number of pages in Harley Quinn #26 and #28, GL: Edge of Oblivion #6, DCU Rebirth chapter3. We did all the Batman vs Superman companion comics.