Secret Wars 2015 - Main is banging, current issue is 5 atm.Secret Wars is mostly retread. The stories might be new, but we've seen Beyonderworld, we've seen Doom take his power, we've seen Galactus as Doom's bitch, and we've seen House of M, Age of Apocalypse, etc. before.
I think I'm getting sick of Marvel and DC.
Oh im not exactly the most excited he is going to be HULK, but it's better than him being in the Rick Jones legacy bin of history. I really wanted him to get smarter and older and become the 4th...or 3rd smartest man in the worldthe Mantle of the Hulk has never been passed down, sure they created red/she/betty hulks, but not the name. To name a few, Bill Foster and giant man 2, killed by cyber-Thor in Civil War. Rhody was IronMan for a few years, even during original Secret Wars, this was when Stark was drunk all the time. And recently we have gender swap w/ chick-Thor, does anyone not know who it is yet?
Cancer ridden Jane Foster who becomes more cancery when she dons the hammer.
Amadeus has been around for 10 years, i'm pretty sure he was created as a minor deux machina to stop Hulk from smashing,
here's his first major appearance.
and why he was probably created (since he was also the Hulks biggest fan)
he also doesn't have emo baggage, Uncle Ben w/ great power!...., or damn you pearl necklace, ma and pa wayne are dead!
Nope, his parents were bombed and dead and he's able to confront the man who found him, (Amadeus become the 7th smartest guy by solving an online puzzle sponsored by Excello soap, perputrated by the 6th smartest guy)
At least when they created him, they didn't kung fu up his ass like every other stupid asian created by Marvel.
The minute he appeared in the WWH, everyone knew he was gonna rick jones his way into some kind of Hulk shit.
Oh I agree and these two issues are the only ones I would buy like that because I am buying them as wall art. (out of sunlight)I just hate the concept of vacuum packed graded comics. I mean I get it and all. It's just a travesty to me. Granted everything is reprinted or you can just torrent anything created but still.![]()
I want this piece from Tim Bradstreet from a Star Wars collecting card and RPG short story.If you want wall art you can get artist proofs of the cover cheaper than some books to be honest and imo they are way more valuable and badass.
Is Jessica Jones a Jew? could Luke Cage be persuaded to convert? Ritter who plays Jessica is a Jew, the show also has a Jew showrunner, but doubtful since her real name is Jessica Campbell.Post more please, Lanx.
Oh, since they are changing everyone's ethnicities, I'm waiting for:
Grand Dragon Black Panther
And for Luke Cage to yell, "Sweet Hanukah!"
That's just how lanx does posts. It's like reading anything by Caliane: you have to realize that he's posting thoughts from an ipad that was developed in 1987. They are coherent, but the formatting causes issues in modern browsers.Are you having a stroke? Or did, William Shatner, hijack your, keyboard?
Wait...what?Iceman is gay! buzzfeed me.
i can't find where the thread was, but here's the Iceman Gay outing.
Gay-dar isn't enough, you have to be an omega level mutant to spot the gays now.
ultimate marvel (i can't give references, googling "colossus northstar" brings up too many results i would rather not see again!)They had northstar and colossus hot for each other too. Can't remember if it was a parallel dimension or what, but it was a thing for a while.