See post above.
Cultural Revolution? Like more white guilt? The 'wounds' of slavery are only still around because some faggots still pick the scab. You dont hear people still bemoaning the wounds of WW2.
Except from the Jews
Why exactly do you think we post things here? It's to speculate. You have threads years before a TV show or movie or video game came out. Should we stop that and just wait for it to be released?
I I just figured we could argue about the actual potential content of the show without whether or not it's going to be a commentary about how terrible the political right/left and their ideas about history are. Don't get me COULD be done poorly and end up very much like that, it's the basic assumption about literally everything and anything these days that's laughable.
How do chinks fit into all of this?
Pre Trump by a few years and it was a book first by a well respected author is why I guess.How come nobody was this upset about Man in the High Castle?
Well that kind of happened. Yes you have the knee jerk reaction but the thread then transitions into actual discussion like we have been talking about. Well except for when people complain about the knee jerk reaction which extends the time talking about it.I'm excited the more I think about it because I love The Man in the High Castle and we need more alternative history shows. KIngs was another underated one that didn't last. Whichever way they go they accomplished exactly what they wanted, people talking about it.
itd be fucking lul if there was a white slave black master tv series.
Tyrone tellin whitey to pick out all the melon seeds, lolol
The original stuff in GoT isn't that good...
I'd watch a good Barbary Pirates show but I've heard Black Sails is decent and haven't seen that yet