So God is against homos and against letting someone die in front of you. How does a religious person decide whether to save someone? Seems they are screwed either way.
Paraphrasing George Carlin:
"The christians are against homosexuals AND they're against abortions! Well, who has less abortions than homosexuals? Here is an entire class of people guaranteed NEVER to have an abortion and the christians and catholics are just tossing them aside! Homosexuals and christians should be natural allies!"
I can tell you, in 8 years as a street medic, the only things I have ever seen that have actually worked are early and effective CPR, and (if needed) early and effective defibrillation.
The drugs, the airways, the bone guns, the auto-pulses, the pre-filled syringes, the lights and sirens.... none of it really matters I don't think. I think most of that stuff is 'well it can't hurt' type stuff and makes the inventor of it a lot of money. Just push hard and fast and get electricity through them ASAP (if needed) and call 911. That is what actually counts in the end. Civilian CPR
doesmatter, it really does. Granted, it has the same success rate as everything else, about %5. But that is what we are going for! %5 might not be much, but to the families of the people who make it, it is way better than %4. Someday we will get it up to %6. Hopefully all of our kids can maybe push %10 some day. That's what we're doing. Pushing that number up if we can. As far as I can tell, personally, only chest compressions and electricity actually make that number go up. The rest is mostly fluff and pomp and budget justifications and delusions of grandeur and narcissism.
Push hard. Push fast. Don't stop. Spiral out. Keep going.