Crazy Neighbors Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Borzak, you say the boyfriend has been with her for 8 years. You haven't talked to her in over 10. So, you are implying you have never met him.

Borzak- "Yeah, so, your bum of a live-in boyfriend bought a house and knew he was going to get fired. Just thought you should know."
Her- "Who the fuck are you?"
Borzak- "I'm your uncle! And anyways, I know people that know people and have it on good authority that your dead-beat baby daddy knew he was fucking you over with this job/house thing."
Her- "You psycho, you don't even know us. Why are you even talking to me now?"
Borzak- "Well, you are really stressing out my mom. Think you could stop please? Maybe make better life decisions?"
Her- "Die in a fire, asshole."


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
(and his name wound up the only one on the paperwork). They signed the paperwork and he got laid off the next day. They have a FHA loan (I think) and it requires them to hold onto it 6 months.
They're not married there's no common law in LA and his name is the only one on the loan. Your niece is not on the hook.



Bronze Baron of the Realm
What makes it worse is he hasn't talked to her in 10 years. WTH.
She kind of went off the deep end and had to "find" herself and really didn't talk to anyone in the family for a long period of time. I talk to her sister pretty often and of course get all the updates (more than I really want) thru my parents. She was invited to family gatherings at my parents house but she refuses to enter a house that the owner has/owns guns. But now she asked my mom for advice on getting a gun that she doesn't live in the greatest part of town.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Borzak, you say the boyfriend has been with her for 8 years. You haven't talked to her in over 10. So, you are implying you have never met him.

Borzak- "Yeah, so, your bum of a live-in boyfriend bought a house and knew he was going to get fired. Just thought you should know."
Her- "Who the fuck are you?"
Borzak- "I'm your uncle! And anyways, I know people that know people and have it on good authority that your dead-beat baby daddy knew he was fucking you over with this job/house thing."
Her- "You psycho, you don't even know us. Why are you even talking to me now?"
Borzak- "Well, you are really stressing out my mom. Think you could stop please? Maybe make better life decisions?"
Her- "Die in a fire, asshole."
Pretty much this. With your lack of involvement with her for the last 10 years. Saying anything will just come off as a hindsight thing that does her no good. Only time the info would have been good would have been before the house and losing the job.

Even then, with the no involvement with her life, telling her before hand would still have little effect. Sure you could be right but she feels she knows him better than you know either of them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Borzak, you say the boyfriend has been with her for 8 years. You haven't talked to her in over 10. So, you are implying you have never met him.

Borzak- "Yeah, so, your bum of a live-in boyfriend bought a house and knew he was going to get fired. Just thought you should know."
Her- "Who the fuck are you?"
Borzak- "I'm your uncle! And anyways, I know people that know people and have it on good authority that your dead-beat baby daddy knew he was fucking you over with this job/house thing."
Her- "You psycho, you don't even know us. Why are you even talking to me now?"
Borzak- "Well, you are really stressing out my mom. Think you could stop please? Maybe make better life decisions?"
Her- "Die in a fire, asshole."
That's how it will go. It's hard to give advice on people you have no relationship with.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm thinking of some family members I haven't talked to in 10 years and I feel like it would be the same.


Trump's Staff
Fight nailed it. Borzak, stay out of it... and stop calling around town every time someone gets fired.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Borzak sounds like my neighbors. Sometimes I feel like starting Crazy Neighbors Thread. Adult daughters moving back in, various boyfriends in and out all the time.

Yesterday one of the boyfriends came by and was yelling about how he was going to slit someone open. I think it was one of the girls, but no idea if it was the one he was dating. Basically any time I want to spend time outside in the evening I can get an earful. I'm about to build a deck so I can watch the show more often. I've already decided to let that shit over there burn. Unless they literally catch fire or start shooting it's not going to affect me. Even when they occasionally block my driveway with their arguments it's no big deal, I can drive through the yard.


A Mod Real Quick
Borzak sounds like my neighbors. Sometimes I feel like starting Crazy Neighbors Thread. Adult daughters moving back in, various boyfriends in and out all the time.

Yesterday one of the boyfriends came by and was yelling about how he was going to slit someone open. I think it was one of the girls, but no idea if it was the one he was dating. Basically any time I want to spend time outside in the evening I can get an earful. I'm about to build a deck so I can watch the show more often. I've already decided to let that shit over there burn. Unless they literally catch fire or start shooting it's not going to affect me. Even when they occasionally block my driveway with their arguments it's no big deal, I can drive through the yard.
My last neighbors were like that too. It was just this year that I found out the house is actually a rental unit and wasn't owned by those people. What a relief it was when they moved out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Borzak sounds like my neighbors. Sometimes I feel like starting Crazy Neighbors Thread. Adult daughters moving back in, various boyfriends in and out all the time.

Yesterday one of the boyfriends came by and was yelling about how he was going to slit someone open. I think it was one of the girls, but no idea if it was the one he was dating. Basically any time I want to spend time outside in the evening I can get an earful. I'm about to build a deck so I can watch the show more often. I've already decided to let that shit over there burn. Unless they literally catch fire or start shooting it's not going to affect me. Even when they occasionally block my driveway with their arguments it's no big deal, I can drive through the yard.
This sounds much more interesting than this thread


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't really have any current crazy neighbors. At worst I think one of my neighbors swing. However when I was growing up one of my neighbors' dogs were barking a bunch so another neighbor chased them around (in the owner's yard) with a weed whacker.


The Scientific Shitlord
I had some real white trash neighbors back in 2001. To be fair, I moved into a shitty low rent apartment, so that was my fault. But the walls were paper thin. Poor guy and his ex who routinely came over for what the fuck ever. They would scream and fight and break things. Douchebag also liked to fall asleep with the TV on. Had to call the cops a few times. Finally moved out when lease was up. Good soundproofing became one of my required on renting ever after. Even the condo I got a couple years ago. Excellent brick and concrete.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Oh yeah when I was renting one night I'm quite sure the Indian dude that lived above me got drunk, started hitting on his wife and then started screaming "I AM A MOTHER FUCKER" like every 20 seconds. I wasn't quite sure if I was supposed to call the cops or what. I couldn't guarantee he was hitting her but I heard crying but that could have just been the dude was drunk and weird and that was upsetting her.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I once had some pollacks live next to me that tried growing corn in the front lawn in Chicago.


A Mod Real Quick
I think I posted it here before but I had some awful neighbors a few years ago.

They started knocking on my door nearly daily after we bought our puppy. The walls were paper thin and they complained that my dog ran around too loudly all day. We started playing with her outside nonstop to get her to sleep more, but puppys gonna pup.

The first time the guy came up, he was in a wife beater, super sweaty and red-faced and immediately opened up with "I was coming up here to beat your ass because your dog is so loud". Ok cool BRO!

We told him we'd do our best, and that's when it became a multiple-times-per-day thing. I stopped answering our door when they knocked, only to be acosted by him and his wife everytime I took my dog outside. They claimed my dog ran nonstop all day (she didn't), and also after 9PM she walked "too loudly". She was 9 pounds at the time.

Wife eventually told us her husband suffered PTSD and slept in a room by himself because he would freak out at night. She also told me he thought about kicking my ass. They called the police on us about a hundred times and told them if they kept calling they were going to be charged. They went to management at the apartment complex and basically got told to shut the fuck up. They moved out, but before they did I was about to call the local Navy Office (whatever it is) and explain how the wife admitted he had PTSD and I was in fear for my life. Never got to that thankfully.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had pretty good luck with neighbors, no awful ones I remember. I had some good looking apartment neighbors I wanted to bang. However, my friend that lived in my building had way more game than me and actually did bang at least one of them. Maybe both. Hero friend wins. I also saw the cops show up to break up a domestic violence incident in the building next door. Pretty run of the mill stuff.

However, I befriended an apartment office person at my complex and they had some fucked up tenant stories. Like the ones who set up a meth lab in their apartment and set themselves on fire while high & cooking up a batch. Or a guy that was posing with his gun in front of the bathroom mirror, accidentally fired it and barely missed the neighbor across the wall. Made me pretty thankful I knew my neighbors and they seemed not too fucked up.

It was a big complex, so there were bound to be some bad apples.

Also, this story is awesome and semi neighbor related:


Molten Core Raider
I can't figure out what is going on with my next door neighbor.

Singly lady, mid 40s, reasonably attractive(not fat, not white trash). About 2 years ago, she stopped driving her car. Every day someone would come to her house and pick her up and take her to work, and every day someone would bring her home. These same various people would come by on the weekends, pick her up, bring her back whenever, etc. My wife talks to her occasionally, would say things like "hey if you ever need a ride anywhere let me know..." but we've never heard a word. Don't know if its health-related, DWI, or what. She never said a peep. Then these "pickups" started to happen at all hours of the day. A car would show up in her driveway at midnight, then leave in the middle of the night. Or someone would bring her home a 3am on a weeknight and she'd be back out the door at 7am for work the next morning...

Car sits in her driveway so long (2+) years that all the tires go flat/rot. It literally never moved an inch, not even other people drove it. Then she started disappearing for longer and longer lengths of time. She has a dog, first she'd be gone for the weekend, and one of the "ride" people that picks her up would come by and feed the dog. Then she started disappearing for a week at a time. Someone would always come by to feed her dog, let it out in the backyard to poop, etc. Then she'd be gone for several weeks at a time, same deal.

Now all of a sudden 2 months ago this old man(looks like in his 60s) comes to her house EVERY day to do work. Mows grass, trims trees, cleans, landscapes, I assume he does work inside the house too, etc. Sometimes she's home, sometimes not. Sometimes he stays for a couple days, sometimes he comes and goes multiple times per day. Sometimes he spends the night even when she is home as well. But last week he rented a construction dumpster and absolutely FILLED the entire thing with garbage bags and trash/junk. We're only talking like a 1200 square foot house here, this dumpster was HUGE and he filled it to the brim with trash and then it was gone the next day.

I told my wife that I think she's hooking for money to pay medical bills or something, as a half joke, but the whole thing is weird as hell.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I don't see how it really benefits your niece to know this even if she didn't, which she probably did.

Secondly, there's no common law marriage in LA.
They live in TX and bought a house there but I'm not sure on the breakdown of time in TX/LA.

I only called cuase my mom was upset that anyone would get laid off so soon after buying a house from a company that only has 6 people working there. How could they not know he was buying a house.

Apparently they did know and he was warned that if contract they were trying for fell thru he was gone. Well he was gone. I was really suprised to hear the company was still in business after my first dealing with him several years ago. They took a gigantic back charge after producing drawings that were mirrored upside down.

Cats out of the bag now. Had to go to the dr. with my mom today and she already had an idea apparently.