Meh that's some extreme bullshit there though. I mean yeah, the fucker didnt do anything about it. I would of tied the fucking dog in my yard. But shooting the poor mutt is going over the line IMO. There is always 2 sides of the story though.
I was on the other side of this argument with my current neighbors. We have a fenced yard that my old dog used to wander in(now dead) but every once in a while, the kids would leave one of the front gates open, so he would wander out and shit. But this happened like 3 times total over the course of 3 yrs he was alive at this house.(He was old, like 16 or 17 so not very mobile anymore) So the fucking neighbors start taking pictures of the shit, any shit by any number of fucking mutts in the neighborhood because they saw my dog once, lol. They call city on us, where the city dog lady issued us a warning. But all they had to do is say, hey neighbor, your dog got out and shit on our lawn, mind picking it up? And i would of gladly went there and picked it up, im not an ass hole. But they way they went about it was shitty and disrespectful. So fuck them, I never picked up and shit and the next time the city lady came over I told her to prove that it was my dog. She shrugged her shoulders and walked away saying she couldn't.
One day the old man (55ish?) started yelling at my wife while she was doing some yard work or some shit, I forget why he was yelling at her, but he made her cry. So I stepped to him threatening his limbs if he ever did this again. I never seen the dude again, neither has my wife, lol.
They must of had other problems with other neighbors because one day they got a nasty lawn job one night. A detective even came by my house, lol, asking about it. I fucking hate people.