Sounds fucking fun.Chain Attack is the Knight's Get-Over-Here! power which enables the Knight to pull a player, or any rigid body object like a barrel or a rock, towards them. The power applies a reverse velocity to what is in the direction of the Knight's crosshairs. This power is really cool, and fun to use, but early testing told us pretty quickly that it is really hard to use this power to grab a fleeing target in a non-tab target system. So in the latest iteration, we've gone from using a raycast (straight line) from the crosshairs to a larger volume for targeting purposes. It's a bit more forgiving, and works a lot better as a resu
Yeah the only reason I think Crowfall has a chance on such a small budget is because they aren't trying to reinvent the MMO wheel but are basically copying mechanics from Tera and Shadowbane, already proven IP's. That and a relatively fast testing timeline.Spent some of the weekend playing Tera again. The combat description of the Crowfall knight is almost a point by point copy of the lancer from Tera. And holy shit it is fun. Well other than the huge friggen goofy ass lance the lancer has. Tera is free to play from steam no less. Give it a try if you have not, it plays just like the knight sounds. Warrior is a blast too. in fact most of the classes are fun if you get over the animation locks.
lolThe Confessor rises up and begins ripping pages out of her book each second as she restores a large amount of mana. As she is ripping pages from her book, her physical mitigations are reduced by 15%.