Got Draegan an interview with Gordon and company. Start thinking up substantive questions.
I had some though (might be answered elsewhere, I've only read some of their FAQs, might've missed it):
-For PVP, how are you going to prevent things that become typical in other PVP MMOs, especially zerg tactics, aoe-fests, and PVDoor? How are you going to encourage smaller, spread out battles, where players can really tell what they're doing and have impact?
-Do campaign worlds "fill up"? If so, does it spawn new campaign worlds with the same ruleset? If so, how does that affect guild-vs-guild campaigns?
-How do late-comers join in-progress campaigns their friends are on (especially if they do fill up)?
-Can people "campaign hop"? What's to prevent/dissuade them?
-Can you join, leave, rejoin a campaign?
-Almost every MMO launch day for the past 15 years is a nightmare. Should we go ahead and just expect that again here? Or will the kind of "decentralized world" approach lead to more of like GW2 launch, where even if servers are full, you're just put to new overflow servers, or various instances that can be brought up/shut down on demand?
And of course Flex, don't forget the biggest one - DYEL? (Fun fact: I started lifting back in November, doing SL 5x5. Love the program. Then I fractured my hip. See the doc for a followup this Thursday, I hope I can squat and deadlift again, but this doc already hates squats. It's a tiny fracture, but still, I'm only 33. And I already have a bad knee from high school football, hah [and no, I've never been a jock])
I'd like to know more about how the Eternal Kingdoms will be structured. Do they see everyone getting at least 1 plot of land for free; will there be more or less "desirable" locations that will get snatched up early? Do they envision true player-run cities emerging in some of the EK's with the best tax rates/crafters/etc. or is it more limited than that?
-On that note - what's to make me want to go to someone else's kingdom? If I do that, do I still keep my "personal" one? What happens if you can't pay the taxes on the one you swear fealty to?
this was a terrible interview.
The interview was "been there, done that", but for me at least, it was the first time I got to see the footage. Wow, people weren't lying about those terrible telegraphs. Not SLASH bad, but not good either. Also the animations were pretty cringe-worthy at times. Given the stage the game is at though, it's all acceptable.
For me it's never a matter of what I can drop, but should I drop it. I can afford to lose that much without losing sleep, but it's in my nature to not want to throw money I could spend on other shit I know I'd get value out of.
Also, no judgment here. If anyone was going to go all in, I assumed it'd be you and Tuco because the PVP focus.
Ditto. I'm such a nerd - fiscal responsibility is my hobby

. But $30 is low enough that as long as I get a few hours enjoyment out of it, I won't be too pissy. I wish I had gotten a little more out of AA for the $45 I spent [bought someone's $150 package here on RR], but oh well.