Blackwing Lair Raider
If you guys think that the cash shop won't providesomeway for people to spend real world $$$ to getsomeform of in-game advantage, you're fooling yourselves. The path between real world dollars and in-game advantage may be obfuscated by a series of go-betweens (like trading things for other things) or delayed for a while after launch, but I promise you that at some point you will find yourself wanting to spend money in the cash shop. It won't just be for cosmetics either. It will be because you want some advantage the cash shop provides.This has yet to be adequately answered.
We know victories will prpfove 'trophies' that give advantages
But, while I assume the most powerful guilds will likely spread their resources across multiple campaigns, what about guilds that solely play FFA where they can't import gear from the EK?
What does having a beefed up castle with all the crafting bellls and whistles do for them?
What's the point of having a cash shop if you don't provide an impetus to utilize it? You guys are ignoring the number one law of economics: supply and demand. With cash shop mmos, the developer controls everything. They control both the supplyandthe demand. Why would they create aweakdemand for their product by limiting items to non-game-impacting items, when they could create astrongdemand for their product simply by making you feel like you need cash shop items to "get the most" out of your in-game experience?