

Bloodstone ruleset functions as a reason to take something from a keep:

Can you give me an example of this, in action?
Sure. Let's call the "Sons of Dawn" Guild 1. They have a Bloodstone Tree in the City of Festroon, which they have surrounded with fortifications. They are aligned with the ORDER Faction.
On a Thursday evening, the City of Festroon Bloodstone Tree cycles, changing to a state of UNPROTECTED. For the next two hours, the city can be attacked.
A Bloodstone spawns on the Tree. It has a target location that is relatively close, near a local quarry.
The defenders have a choice: deliver this Bloodstone to the target destination, to collect Victory Points for ORDER, or stay and protect the City?
They opt to send a small party to sacrifice the Bloodstone for ORDER points.
On the way, they are ambushed by "Kane's Fist", a Chaos-aligned group that we'll call Guild 2.
The ambush works. Guild 2 kills them all, and takes the Bloodstone. The stone points them to a new location, and the Guild 2 players head off in that direction to try and sacrifice it for CHAOS Victory Points.
Guild 1 regroups, and decides to go after the Bloodstone. They get reinforcements from Festroon and ambush the Party from Guild 2 to retrieve the Bloodstone.
The Party from Guild 2 drops the stone and flees. It was a trap.
Guild 1 returns to find the City of Festroon has been destroyed by the rest of Guild 2. Guild 1 didn't leave enough defenders to protect it.
The Tree is destroyed, the buildings are on fire, and Guild 2 is now on the way to cash in the 3 new Bloodstones that just spawned when the Festroon tree was destroyed.
8. Why did you design the Bloodstone ruleset?
We created this ruleset because we thought it would be interesting to create a strategy game that allowed a mobile group of players - like a mercenary band that moves around the map constantly, hiding in one forest or another - a ruleset in which they could potentially be successful against larger, more entrenched groups of players.
Also, because it sounded fun.

Also Winning a campaign provides a trophy that you and everyone associated with your guild or pledged fealty to your EK (I'm assuming) get a valuable advantage of some kind. So that functions as a relic for your keep.

I'm not sure if someone will be able to challenge your EK for that trophy in the future, It might be possible, like a pink slip kind of EK vs EK duel. Not sure how I feel about that one.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I want global yellow text.

"LilMiner [Gay Casuals] was killed by Flex [Red Panda Pirates] in the Spooky Swamp"
Ok sure. It's the Orgrimmar/Dalaran/Plane of Knowledge of Crowfall. But they're hyping up a big part of the reward system to give you resources to build that place. I can understand wanting to make a base of operations and build up top rank crafting/skill areas ala Shadowbane, but is there anything beyond that? If PRX has the most baller castle of all time does that help us in anyway?
EK will be the auction house for guilds/individuals to sell their wares after campaigns. Assuming a campaign with heavy surplus of let's say "iron", then those people would have a huge market to sell or craft iron specific weapons/gear. This wealth (not sure if there is in game currency), could help fund the next campaign. There is also the tax a player would have to pay to the EK castle he sells his stuff in, so that's another thing to think about.

And like they have said before, resources locations in control will decrease their production in order to balance things out. Your fortress next to the mines will produce less resources than a random one far away with no one controlling it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Terminator rules be like


Trakanon Raider
EK relics giving advantages to people in campaigns potentially raises the same concern of Uncle Bob dominating for years, compounded by the relics held in the supposedly risk free EK?

I realize they are light on specifics. Bit I am trying to come to grips with restarting servers for equal footing and uber guild with monuments galore safely stored from any possible enemies.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Bloodstone ruleset functions as a reason to take something from a keep:

Can you give me an example of this, in action?
Sure. Let's call the "Sons of Dawn" Guild 1. They have a Bloodstone Tree in the City of Festroon, which they have surrounded with fortifications. They are aligned with the ORDER Faction.
On a Thursday evening, the City of Festroon Bloodstone Tree cycles, changing to a state of UNPROTECTED. For the next two hours, the city can be attacked.
A Bloodstone spawns on the Tree. It has a target location that is relatively close, near a local quarry.
The defenders have a choice: deliver this Bloodstone to the target destination, to collect Victory Points for ORDER, or stay and protect the City?
They opt to send a small party to sacrifice the Bloodstone for ORDER points.
On the way, they are ambushed by "Kane's Fist", a Chaos-aligned group that we'll call Guild 2.
The ambush works. Guild 2 kills them all, and takes the Bloodstone. The stone points them to a new location, and the Guild 2 players head off in that direction to try and sacrifice it for CHAOS Victory Points.
Guild 1 regroups, and decides to go after the Bloodstone. They get reinforcements from Festroon and ambush the Party from Guild 2 to retrieve the Bloodstone.
The Party from Guild 2 drops the stone and flees. It was a trap.
Guild 1 returns to find the City of Festroon has been destroyed by the rest of Guild 2. Guild 1 didn't leave enough defenders to protect it.
The Tree is destroyed, the buildings are on fire, and Guild 2 is now on the way to cash in the 3 new Bloodstones that just spawned when the Festroon tree was destroyed.
8. Why did you design the Bloodstone ruleset?
We created this ruleset because we thought it would be interesting to create a strategy game that allowed a mobile group of players - like a mercenary band that moves around the map constantly, hiding in one forest or another - a ruleset in which they could potentially be successful against larger, more entrenched groups of players.
Also, because it sounded fun.

Also Winning a campaign provides a trophy that you and everyone associated with your guild or pledged fealty to your EK (I'm assuming) get a valuable advantage of some kind. So that functions as a relic for your keep.

I'm not sure if someone will be able to challenge your EK for that trophy in the future, It might be possible, like a pink slip kind of EK vs EK duel. Not sure how I feel about that one.
It'd be cool if every EK had a bloodstone that increased in potency based on how big the EK was. This bloodstone would confer some passive benefit or whatever. And every week each monarchy could attempt to take another EK's bloodstone by baning and attacking their EK. They would then have the bloodstone in their EK for two weeks. So potentially an EK could capture two other EK's bloodstone.

This would add some benefit to having a defensible and powerful EK, as well as have meaning behind attacking an enemy EK.


I don't think they want EKs to be anything more than social hubs and sport PvP.
They specifically mentioned EK's housing trophies which give the owner of said trophy some kind of boost.

Whether that's 1% export from campaigns or 10% damage remains to be seen.


Excerpt on EK trophies:

""13. So the purpose of the Kingdom is to store trophies? I thought you said "trophies" were lame?
"Meaningless" trophies are lame. Giving a player a trophy for killing 10 rats is lame; these are similar to the "participation" trophies we give our kids for playing soccer.
Meaningful Trophies (like a Super Bowl ring, or the Stanley Cup) are much cooler. And remember, many of these trophies provide in-game benefit: they can be used to make your Kingdom stronger, or make your team more viable in other Campaigns.
Campaign Trophies include relics, artifacts, materials and rare resources - the things that are required to build structures, craft equipment, and fuel the economy in your Kingdom. It's not a lobby in the traditional sense; but it serves a similar purpose as a place that players can gather in between participation in Campaigns.
That said, players who have no interest in Kingdoms are not required to visit them.""

So what do you guys think about a guild wining the first bloodstone campaign and getting a bloodstone trophy to make them stronger in the next bloodstone related world? A proverbial 5% better at something bloodstone related guild wide bonus?


2 Minutes Hate
What questions are you going to, or thinking about asking? Or gonna leave it as a surprise?
I have a three hour flight tomorrow. I'll come up with something.

A lot of the things I have in mine are basic mmo design stuff like nameplates.

A lot of the game stuff isn't set in stone yet so bits ibid of tough.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You might want to follow in's footsteps and ask, "Why did you choose to go to kickstarter?", "Some PvP games get old because one player ends up dominating the board, how do you plan on stopping that?" "Can you read the feature list to me like a Best Buy employee?"


2 Minutes Hate
I just got done deep sea fishing and about to eat our haul of tuna.

Tuco, I just approved todd's Account. If you could keep an eye out for more art craft Account to verify I'd appreciate it.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Drae I want the interview to begin with at least two minutes awkward banter between you, Gordon, and j. Todd about how great I am. Like when you bump into a friend of a friend at the bank or something.

"So how do you know flex?"

"Um, he posts on my forum."

"Me too! He's the best."

"The best."

"Oh yeah, the best, mmm hmm."

"So, uhh.. Anyway, Why did you choose kick starter?"


Mr. Poopybutthole
So what do you guys think about a guild wining the first bloodstone campaign and getting a bloodstone trophy to make them stronger in the next bloodstone related world? A proverbial 5% better at something bloodstone related guild wide bonus?
The biggest issue with this idea is that EK Fealty is completely separate from guilds. While it's likely that guild mates will swear fealty to each other, it's not enforced. Even worse - you can swear fealty to unlimited numbers of kings.

To be honest, at this point my care for Eternal Kingdoms is pretty damn low, and I think they missed the boat by making them solely social hubs with no meaning. They could have been used to really bind the campaigns and create continuity. Hell, even as a social hub, they could have been used to reinforce your social choices, but instead they're just going to be a place to circlejerk your epeens between campaigns.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They should at least add features that will agitate other guilds. Like a way for a wining guild of a campaign to graffiti all over other people's shit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
A question from someone in PRX:
Q: Will there be summoning, theft/stealth/stealth detection similar to Shadowbane?