Since they've stated dregs and EK are the primary module they are working on and alternate rulesets are further down the line/stretch goal type things then I think the most important question is what is the "win" condition of FFA PVP? I mean this is the base game they thought about while designing, and reason why the systems they have in place exist, right? the other rule sets are just extra stuff they can do since campaign worlds die and start again, might as well change the rules of them, right? but the founding principle behind everything we've seen is the FFA game.
some people seem to think it'll be something like positive K/D ratio but I'm of the opinion that it'll be more akin to "surviving winter." Why have seasons and warmth if it's just fluff backdrop to a 1-3 month battle arena?
The way I envision it is that players/groups will fight and contest over resources especially during the spring and summer seasons, forming into loose coalitions and alliances (as blobbing is something that players do) to build defenses and structures to survive while also taking out other groups of coalitions/alliances. but as fall comes around you simply cannot generate enough warmth to support massive coalitions of players and they begin bickering and in-fighting amongst themselves (this is where the GoT parallel comes in to play) as resources become more scarce, mobs become more and more powerful and legions of undead descend upon your fortifications. By winter the hunger threat is almost a daily concern in addition to lone wolf/roving bands of players in "hail mary" desperation attacks to get resources to survive (or maybe just to deny you a win). If your hut/fort/castle or whatever is still standing at the end of the campaign and you still have enough warmth resource to live then you win and take home 100% of what you have, if not you basically don't have a safe place to spawn without dying to hordes of undead anyway and so you lose and bring home 0%.
I suppose my question is, am I on the right track as far as dreg's victory conditions or is it more akin to w/l, k/d, pvp leaderboard style?