Ah damn guess I need to do a few Gigs then. I just did that mission you mentioned and always end up gunning everything down.Some cool interactions I found and really liked. This is mostly just random gigs and side jobs. Not too far after the title screen mission in terms of story.
When I went to the Cloud whorehouse mission and talked to Woodman. I did some gig I totally forgot about where I killed some Tyger guy for being rough on whores. I was able to bring this up in the convo and this scared him enough to work with me and had a lot of dialog. I had reloaded twice to see what I could do with this as Woodman fought me in the other two times I tried to talk my way out of it. Cool that a random gig can play into other jobs.
I found a random street performer that triggered Johnny Silverhand to appear and talk about making music with his nihilist shit. This turned into a quest to go find his lost bootleg recordings from back in the day. The club he got his start at was a ramen house now but there was a Samurai superfan there keeping the faith and then you go into this chat about who knows the most about Samurai so he gives you the old recordings. It was pretty cool.
I keep getting stuck in some kind of binocular zoom mode. Up and down on the d pad change the level, but I'm still stuck in it and can't walk faster than 0.2mph?
Not a single actual mod yet though. It's all character face/body presets, tons of duplicate exe patches for removing AVX or AA, control remaps, and the usual 4958302 Reshade configs made by people who have no idea how to use Reshade that show up for every game on Nexus.the mods are coming out like crazy, imo this might surpass skyrim
It's crazy how muddy all the default options make the game, cleaned up it really is gorgeous. Here's a apples and oranges before and after, but think the difference is pretty clear, no pun intended. In both images the lighting and ray tracing is great. Turned off or lowered film grain, chromatic abberation and depth of field, DLSS to Quality from performance. Think that was it, but going to continue to tinker with it.
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Film grain is fucking horrible. I have no idea why it's an option in any game, let alone a default; it's innately shitty looking.
I have maybe had a couple of items I couldn't loot.I had to actually give up on my playthrough. I'm surprised nobody else is having this issue but I literally cannot loot half the items I come across. I'll wait a bit for a patch or two and give it another go. Luckily I was only about 2.5 hours in.
Always the first thing I turn off in every game.Film grain is fucking horrible. I have no idea why it's an option in any game, let alone a default; it's innately shitty looking.
Who would have thought this would be a hot mess. Every time, every single time, hype is cancer of the gaming industry. Fanboys are the cancer of the gaming industry. People will never learn.
So is it $10 in the bargain bin yet?
I've had a corpse here and there I couldn't, almost always a robot corpse. But otherwise no issue at all, and there is a ton to loot, especially if you pick up every junk/food/drink.I had to actually give up on my playthrough. I'm surprised nobody else is having this issue but I literally cannot loot half the items I come across. I'll wait a bit for a patch or two and give it another go. Luckily I was only about 2.5 hours in.
Pressure to release before it’s done is more of a cancer than hype.Who would have thought this would be a hot mess. Every time, every single time, hype is cancer of the gaming industry. Fanboys are the cancer of the gaming industry. People will never learn.
So is it $10 in the bargain bin yet?