Also, just so you mongoloids know - the police AI "issues" (they aren't issues, that was by design btw), "I can't interact with every random person on the street!11!" (even though there are literally thousands of unique "pedestrians" and are meant to serve only as window dressing while moving from quest to quest) are arguing on the side of Resetera, Reddit, twitter et al. Congrats, you're officially liberal trannies. Remember, the people who agree with you here are the people who didn't want the game released at all, because muh tranny rights.
There are definitely issues with the game, like
stated I'm getting more bugs now than I did the first 30 hours, but still nothing too distracting (did have a hard crash yesterday causing me to lose about 20 minutes of gameplay).
Springboks, cis alpha male list of things they need to improve/fix (only applies to me, not pleb PS4 users):
Improved vehicle handling (though it gets markedly better with better vehicles)
General bug fixes
Improve Crafting
General economy fixes: I agree with
about money being scarce generally being a good thing, but cars cost too much $$ vs $$ earned, plus all the cyberware stuff. 60 hours in I'm sitting at $250k but still haven't purchased double jump, gorilla arms, and most cars.
More customization - think this is definitely coming at some point, apartment, vehicle, etc.
This is an RPG FPS set in Cyberpunk universe. It isn't wide open sandbox GTA, it isn't fucking RDR2's tedium simulator (a game this very message board shit on for being too realistic, but is now using as a high watermark for FPS RPG's for some reason). It's cool to not like this game, different strokes and all that but get a fucking argument you didn't regurgitate from Reddit or just say "I wanted Cyberpunk GTA" and what I got was an FPS Witcher so I'm disappointed.