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Do you really think that applies to CDprojekt? It's not like all their Witcher stuff was garbage, right? Is this indicative of a developer who regularly releases unfinished shit and just shrugs it off, or an instance of a good developer having a bad release and now needing to go back and make it right?
Agreed - this isn't a case where a developer sucks. They kept trying to push the release out. Lots of factors in this one. Development started in 2013, morphed along the way, and then while some issues in development, still had to have this come out to work across 3 generations of consoles and PC and a streaming service in Stadia. If there is a team I know can fix issues, it would be CPDR. While Witcher 1 and 2 were there major releases, one can say this is reminiscent of a sophomore slump since Witcher 3 was really the only title that hit large mainstream for them.
If CDPR stated they were working on a new IP - we would still be excited - where as EA comes out and talks about a new Dragon Age and Mass Effect and we all roll our eyes and laugh our asses off. CDPR isn't EA. I think they will be just fine and will get things fixed in rapid order.
One thing that I think we should all be aware of is they aren't pulling an Insomniac with that BS Spiderman Remaster and charging for it. They are even going to go back to a 7 year old game and update it for free for the Witcher 3 and all it's content. (Most of which was free save the two expansions which were actual value added expacs)
And this game isn't even a bad actor compared to some of the shit we have seen shoveled. Name the last time a publisher offered an apology and refund requests outright with the hopes people would stick with them. These are good folks here and are up front. Give them a pass.
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