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Can't wait to hear faggots defend a triple AAA game with 7 years of development more after those videos.
Best game ever. Bitch.
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Can't wait to hear faggots defend a triple AAA game with 7 years of development more after those videos.
Good thing I take the words of a raging alcoholic seriouslyBest game ever. Bitch.
Good thing I take the words of a raging alcoholic seriously
None.So which system did you buy it on?
the blind devotion is pretty fucking hysterical. sitting the game for another 6 months to a year is what should have been done and the people who pushed it out the door are probable looking at some serious lawsuits from investors.
They also in the process clearly pissed Sony off which will end up haunting them for a long time
They’ve already been doing it since day one of release. That said it does have great bones, I’m just waiting to play it, even on my high-ish end PC. I don’t want to “ruin” by playing it in its current state. Will be more fun after 6 months to a year of patching.Can't wait to hear faggots defend a triple AAA game with 7 years of development more after those videos.
Don’t know anyone that doesn’t bring up New Vegas bugs. You can thank Bethesda and their bullshit engine and for pressuring obsidian to release.You're posting on a thread with mostly PC users who don't give a fuck about consoles. Prior gen consoles have a shit copy of the game? Boo Hoo, PC is fine idgaf if their budget bin consoles can't run a modern game worth a shit. They should have shitcanned the Xbox/PS4 versions of the game, but that doesn't take away from the fact the game is immersive and full of great content on systems that can run it.
Yes, the game has some bugs that need fixing. But tons of people on this forum suck Fallout: New Vegas' and Witcher 3's cock and have completely forgotten how fucking buggy those games were at release.
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the blind devotion is pretty fucking hysterical. sitting the game for another 6 months to a year is what should have been done and the people who pushed it out the door are probable looking at some serious lawsuits from investors.
They also in the process clearly pissed Sony off which will end up haunting them for a long time
LolIm playing on pc. Given expectations and past performance, Its a sub par game with garbage ai, broken combat and mediocre story (especially the choice options). Pretty, but non-immersive world.
And you’re like, “goty!”
the blind devotion is pretty fucking hysterical. sitting the game for another 6 months to a year is what should have been done and the people who pushed it out the door are probable looking at some serious lawsuits from investors.
They also in the process clearly pissed Sony off which will end up haunting them for a long time
GoT was really great, but not better than this. Other than that, Hades was awesome, I liked Wasteland 3 a lot (talk about buggy af), maybe demons souls?Taking flaws into consideration, what tops this as GOTY? Maybe Ghosts of Tsushima I could see, but that TLOU2 shit was rigged shilling for the woke army. No one, not even the fans of that game think is a better game than GoT for one. Even the haters are playing this game nonstop and GoT is the only other game this year I remember getting that kind of cat-assing. Not trolling, I am just curious what would top this game from this past year.
I have to wonder, given CDPR is one of the last major indi studious out there, it the internet rage machine isn't being stoked by parties with a stake in cratering them. The woke crowd certainly want them to fail. I am pretty sure EA and Sony would love them to tank. I don't remember this much nerd angst over Mass Effect Andromeda, for one recent example, and even Trans of Us 2 did not get this kind of full court press. It would not surprise me at all to find out that Sony or especially EA are signal boosting this shit as a business move.
The Virgin watches YouTube glitch compilations and reads Reddit tranny posts vs. The Chad works on my machine.
I don't think it is a conspiracy, it is just normal Social Media overreaction combined with various factors
1) You have a segment of the population who REALLY oversold this game in their mind and the game not meeting those lofty expectations are mad
2) You have the "hate news gets money" population - Youtubers, Gaming Sites, etc. People made hundreds of thousands of dollars exploiting Fallout 76 rage and magnifying it 100x. A major AAA title is too juicy a target to ignore and an easy way to rake in those sweet, sweet ad dollars and get the Youtube algorithm to recommend more of their videos.
3) Memes - Everyone loves memes, so people jump on the "cyberpunk 2077 is buggy trash LUL" bandwagon and posts tons of memes on the topic. People who haven't even played the game see this and jump on the bandwagon as well (which feeds point#2).
4) As others have posted, PC gamers are used to bugs, console gamers less so. It doesn't forgive the bugs and they do need to fix them, but when you let consoles run the conversation, it becomes much more mainstream.
Honestly my main concern is all the REEEing from bandwagon shitheads is going to sabotage any long term plans to improve and expand upon the game