That the shooting range one? I accidentally double jumped into one of the guys after completing the mission and they all attacked me lol.I just destroyed a massive 6th Street Gang rooftop party
feels goodman
Yeah, I know it probably should have occurred to me, but it never did. I would likely have just never used a smart gun again had I not seen a comment on some YouTube video.You mean the free smartlink tattoo given to you by the Tiger Claws? lol
people are all or nothing with this - game is not a buggy pos on pc. It is fun. It's still not up to par with what was claimed, and with cpdr's reputation. It's fair to criticize the game because of it. Shit works both ways - social media outrage has changed the landscape but because it's out there you don't just get to handwave away the failings of this game because of "muh social media".
You bang Panam in a tank while neuro linked. That is pretty baller.The sex scene with Judy > the odd nightvision one with Panam also, so another point for female V lol
If you are grossly OP and just fucking mow everything down, that isnt a quality experience
So finally getting around to picking this up today or tommorrow. Interested in playing a katana build but was wondering if anyone had input here; does it fall off on the harder difficulties? Not sure how hard shit hits on very hard.
Sir, walk away from the Reddit. It’s affecting your posts. Politics thread now makes sense.
This is what I showed up for. In every group fight now, I'm basically the electricity gremlin from Gremlins II, but with blades attached to my arms.
If all of your posts criticizing the game ended with the equivalent of "....bless his little heart", you wouldn't catch as much shit for it."if you criticize the game it's because you read the reddit. This is goty and cdpr does no wrong!"
all you need to do is call me the npc and the circle is complete
If all of your posts criticizing the game ended with the equivalent of "....bless his little heart", you wouldn't catch as much shit for it.
Overhyped. Exaggerated claims. Buggy as fuck. Still a fucking blast to play.
Does an insane amount of damage. Get the legendary one from the fight organizer guy for ~36k asap then the high jump cyberware. Positioning is everything for melee imo.