Finally finished the game. I got to the final act in roughly 15 hours, then spent a few days doing side quests and gigs to level up and augment my character. Got the handgun "Skippy" and the Sniper rifle "Overwatch," plus I got the Jincu-Maru katana (which pissed me off cause I got this blade right after I spent 15k on the mantis blades). My overall impression of the game is "meh." I felt like once the awe of Night City wore off, it was a pretty basic "go here, do this, kill him/her" quest hub game, which I found to be disappointing. I was hoping for a little bit more emergent game play. It also seemed like the game really wanted you to use stealth to do most of the missions, but after you take down 1 or 2 guys, you almost always get spotted, and it's just not worth the headache or the hassle to try and sneak around, so it was always easier to just go in slicing and dicing.
Few other minor complaints:
1. Melee weapons are way overpowered, and guns are way underpowered. Aside from using "Overwatch" or "Skippy" to do headshots to take out far away enemies, I used my katana or mantis blades to kill roughly 90% of the enemies in the game. There just wasn't enough of a reason to shoot anyone when your melee attacks do way more damage, especially after you augment your body with stealth and "falcon" and some of the other melee cyberware upgrades.
2. I felt a little bit of quest overload. I like how many quests and gigs were available in the game, but at one point, when I had over 80 in my journal, it was almost too much. I could barely keep track of whom I was supposed to help or meet at one point because I was getting phone calls and texts literally every couple of minutes. I think they could've done a little bit of a better job of allowing you to discover some of these quests on your own by exploring, instead of just having people constantly calling you like you work for Uber.
3. It didn't really feel like the choices you made in conversations had any real impact on the game. Eventually, no matter what you said, you would be forced to click on the yellow dialogue to advance the chat. The only time I thought it really determined anything impactful in the game was when I got to have sex with Panam. I admit, I cheated and looked up online to see what I needed to say to her at each section of her quest line to get it right, but aside from that, it just didn't seem like the choices you made in conversations impacted the game at all in a meaningful way.
4. Way too much weapon/item bloat. You have to spend so much time looting crap, then trying to disassemble guns you don't want, selling shit you don't need, and trying to figure out what to keep and what to toss out, it got a little irritating.
Definitely not saying I regret buying the game. I got a good 10 or so full days of fun out of it, even if the game seemed to get slightly repetitive towards the end. I would say it didn't come anywhere close to the hype surrounding it (probably would've been nearly impossible to meet those expectations), and I'm not sure I'd even put it in my top 5 games of 2020. I'm really not that interested in playing it again, as I don't think choosing another path would make replaying the game that much different or enjoyable, but I'll probably enter Night City again after a few patches, and hopefully when multiplayer is added sometime next year.