Look here sir.... That is a classic! A FINE PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILE! Listen to how she purrs like a kitten... (with emphysema)
In this update we focused on further improving the overall stability of the game and fixing the most common issues that could block progression. Here's what changed:
That said, I am considering starting playing again. I stopped partly to wait for a patch or two, but mostly because I wanted a RTX card (3080) as I only have a 1080. But I doubt I'll be able to get one of those for a while unless I buy an entire computer with it bundled inside.
Why wouldn’t you say one out of 20,000?Something could impact five out of every 100,000 players and could still be the "most common" problem. Those words mean nothing without metrics.
Why wouldn’t you say one out of 20,000?
I played the game, and obviously im no game tester or whatever, and maybe I have a higher threshold with this shit before it bugs me. But I recall only a handful of bugs, none really game breaking, mostly shit being out of place, npc doing weird shit. Other than that game played fine, on PC at least. Biggest shit that bugged me was how the cars handled in game. That was probably my #1 gripe. Oh and again, how easy the game got later.
I played Witcher 2 when it came out but I don't remember the level of branching going on.Witcher 2 crybabies were even worse. You'll never see another game from them that has anything remotely close to the player choice and story branching that 2 did.
Wait what? Seriously? With all the bad PR and the CDPR refund announcement AND the Sony PSN refund announcement only 30k people followed through out of almost 14 million? You’d think they’d have at least 130k, just 1%, play the shit out of the game then refund request it a month or so later just to spite CDPR. I just can’t believe that number, only 30k.CDPR had an investor meeting and revealed some interesting info. they sold 13.7m (!) copies in 2020 alone which is like $700m USD
they only had to refund 30k copies
Wait what? Seriously? With all the bad PR and the CDPR refund announcement AND the Sony PSN refund announcement only 30k people followed through out of almost 14 million? You’d think they’d have at least 130k, just 1%, play the shit out of the game then refund request it a month or so later just to spite CDPR. I just can’t believe that number, only 30k.
most ppl probably didn't even know you could get a refund, since you normally can't get refunds on gamesWait what? Seriously? With all the bad PR and the CDPR refund announcement AND the Sony PSN refund announcement only 30k people followed through out of almost 14 million? You’d think they’d have at least 130k, just 1%, play the shit out of the game then refund request it a month or so later just to spite CDPR. I just can’t believe that number, only 30k.
Wait what? Seriously? With all the bad PR and the CDPR refund announcement AND the Sony PSN refund announcement only 30k people followed through out of almost 14 million? You’d think they’d have at least 130k, just 1%, play the shit out of the game then refund request it a month or so later just to spite CDPR. I just can’t believe that number, only 30k.