- 9,626
- 14,314
I'm shocked, SHOCKED that the vocal ree minority who went around the internet, Redditt and twitter chicken littleing this game like it was the worst video game of all time made by phobic shit lords didn't follow through on refunds and CDPR made a bajillion dollars. It's almost like siding with the smooth brains over at Resetera puts you, without fail, on the wrong side of history every time.Wait what? Seriously? With all the bad PR and the CDPR refund announcement AND the Sony PSN refund announcement only 30k people followed through out of almost 14 million? You’d think they’d have at least 130k, just 1%, play the shit out of the game then refund request it a month or so later just to spite CDPR. I just can’t believe that number, only 30k.
That said, given the amount of REEEEE this game generated in December I'd have thought that # to be far higher as well.
- 3