D.C. Naval Yard Shooting


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We both said something to you because you're sensationalizing shit and projecting emotions.

This is probably the douchiest thing you could say and it's on par with your casual racism. This shit doesn't belong here. Take it somewhere else.
Yeah, I hope everything turns out cool with him and any other involved persons. But rustled Tanoomba knows no boundaries, national catastrophe or not!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Regarding someone making the comment about GTA 5 coming out, the media apparently got a hold of a friend of this guy and he is telling them that the suspect "enjoyed violent video games" so of course that's why he did this.

PatrickStar: Glad you are physically okay.


We both said something to you because you're sensationalizing shit and projecting emotions.
Actually, I was empathizing with him. I was acknowledging that what he went through has a significant impact on someone. I'm not sensationalizing anything and I'm not projecting anything.

This is probably the douchiest thing you could say and it's on par with your casual racism. This shit doesn't belong here. Take it somewhere else.
Is it douchier than:
I don't know he might have hated a couple of them, office politics can be a bitch.
because I highly fucking doubt it.
They haven't released the names of the dead yet but I know for a fact the identities of three that are work acquaintances. My desk is about 50 feet from allegedly where the gunman went down. I'll be honest, one of the things I took from this is that as cynical as we all are, I did see a lot of people stopping to help elderly or women who were literally paralyzed with fear. No one knew how many shooters there were but that never crossed our minds. If someone needed help we stopped and got them to safety inside another building. Obviously being the Navy Yard we have a lot of servicemen and retired servicemen on base. One particular retiree I remembered stepped up and put himself out there in the open shuttling people to safety out of the building. After he got back to the lobby of the other building I was talking about he broke down for about 15 minutes. We thought he was injured but his coworker backed us off and told us his PTSD is hitting him and he needs time. He muttered several times that he needs to be out there, needs to be out there.
Glad you made it out ok. I worked at the Yard in 2009-2010 but was kind of at the other end, well away from the NAVSEA building. We always had our command all hands events over there, though. Definitely weird to hear a place you can perfectly visualize in your memory described as a mass murder scene.

Probably going to be hell to pay with how he had a CAC to show the gate guards and apparently a security clearance with a recent arrest record (fucking 2010!) and a "general discharge" on his military service record. I thought anything other than honorable was a huge red flag unless you broke your leg in boot camp or something and they just annulled your enlistment or whatever.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Tanoomba, you chased me out of another thread... because I had the unfortunate position of being on the same side as you but refused to try to argue next to you. It really doesn't matter if your point is good, or what you think is right, you are an annoying little cunt that nobody here likes. When you look back at the reactions to your posts you can see, time after time, that people can't stand you.

It's not your posts. It's not your opinions. It's not your social, political, racial or any other stance. It's YOU. You are a fuck. Go away!


I'm not going to say one word about gun control in relation to this today. I'm simply going to say it's sad and I feel for those affected.

Sorry, Noodleface!


Trakanon Raider
Thanks everyone. As for base access it's pretty pedestrian. You can drive in with passengers and if the driver shows his/her CAC the whole car goes in. No one ever checks the passengers. I have never, ever seen or heard of a car search. Bag checks? Once in a blue moon. Visitors are all over the place including many tours and school field trips. There are turnstiles that lead in and out of the boardwalk behind the Yard. People have been seen jumping over some of the shorter fences. In fact someone DID get caught doing this just a few months ago. The loading dock isn't even within the gated perimeter. There are no metal detectors in the buildings I frequent. In fact I know one change that will result from this is the second set of access doors will be locked 24/7. This door is open for access until 830 in the morning and can be used as an exit all other times. It's easy to piggyback in with someone that is coming in or out.

I am sure it will hit me the first time I go back in there. We have already been told to stay away tomorrow. I suspect it will be a few days. Like I said, one of the guys that had to be rescued since he couldn't get out in the initial rush described the place as riddled with casing and bullet holes. Working spaces are shot to hell with some doors shot through. It's a crime scene, it'll be days until it clears. It just won't be the same. Going to finish watching this game and drink some whiskey with the wife.


Tanoomba, you chased me out of another thread... because I had the unfortunate position of being on the same side as you but refused to try to argue next to you. It really doesn't matter if your point is good, or what you think is right, you are an annoying little cunt that nobody here likes. When you look back at the reactions to your posts you can see, time after time, that people can't stand you.

It's not your posts. It's not your opinions. It's not your social, political, racial or any other stance. It's YOU. You are a fuck. Go away!
Trollface may be someone I don't have a lot of respect for, but at least he has the brains to put people he doesn't want to hear from on ignore. You might want to try that. And the reactions to my posts have covered a wide range of attitudes, from supportive and agreeable to sour and immature. Generally, the most negative reactions come from people who just really get a kick out of being assholes online, so it makes it remarkably easy not to take them seriously. You, for example, would rather not participate in a discussion because you don't want to be associated with a person you dislike who happens to share your opinion. That's retarded. You're retarded. This isn't the place for you to vent your thoughts about me, and it's ridiculous that I'm wasting time addressing your ignorance. You don't like me, fine. Put me on ignore and shut the fuck up about it. That's what a MAN would do, after all.




Tanoomba didn't do a goddamn thing before you all swarmed him. His first post in this thread was that it was scary that this happened, which I don't think anyone is really going to dispute.

You're all a giant bunch of cocks.


Unelected Mod
I guess khalid gonna khalid, because yeah, Tanoomba's first post was perfectly fine and quite empathetic until his rabid "fans" jumped all over him. Quite silly.


Unelected Mod
Speaking of sensitivity, it is kind of odd to be swapping between reading up on this shooting and checking to see if my download of GTA V has started.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
We need a united front here, khalid, some people are beginning to wonder if you are bear



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Trollface may be someone I don't have a lot of respect for, but at least he has the brains to put people he doesn't want to hear from on ignore.
Everyone who has a brain ignored you, son.

EDIT: oh shit. thread derail.

Who died and should I care.