D.C. Naval Yard Shooting


Unelected Mod
So with the GTA V launch happening tonight, wonder if the media will try and link those types of games to this.


Trakanon Raider
Wow, last year I accepted a job at the Navy Yard. The pay was shitty for DC though, so I decided to live in the Mojave desert instead. It's miserable as far as temperature, but it's looking like a good decision right now.

Which reminds me, I know there was at least one guy from FoH that messaged me about it and said he worked there.
That was me. The only thing that kept me from the line of fire...going for my morning coffee at the food court.

8:15ish my coworker and I head to the elevator for coffee. I hear three loud bangs from the atrium on the 2nd floor. I am on the third. I thought it was the maintenance guys folding up the tables and chairs from the previous weekend's ceremony at the atrium. My coworker, a former marine, says no that sounds like gunshots. I think nothing of it and we get into the elevator. We walk through the foyer and exit. I take three steps and the emergency exit doors and people are sprinting out. One guy yells, "there is a shooter on the 4th floor. He's got a shotgun."

My buddy and I look at each other and sprint across the street and take refuge in the parking garage. I see one DC police officer with weapon in hand rush in from the ramp. A Federal Agent in a flak jacket sprint from behind. I've never witness first responders in action before. But now, I have a new found respect for anyone rushing into danger to protect others. Eventually the police start showing up and we are told to hunker down in the nearest building. The next 3 hours were right out of a video game. Armored vehicles were patrol and I witnessed three different 10-15 man patrols in full combat gear check the perimeter of all the building I could see from the lobby we sheltered in. At one point an FBi agent and another woman who seemed plugged into the containment effort asks if we had stretchers. We ended up pulling four of them from the stairwells. These are the Stryker units designed to bring people down stairs. But stretchers nevertheless. I helped out since most of the folks there were women and older than me. We turn a left and go to the aforementioned garage. I passed by a group of 15-20 FBI agents getting a briefing of the layout of the building. They were doing their final weapons checks and were moments from going in. Anyways I thought we were going to evac injured folks. There were two such injured people...and one dead body. All I saw was black boots, dark pants, dark shirt. He had a blanket covering him. Blood was seeping through the blanket from the obvious bullet wounds. First dead body I've ever seen scene. I don't think I will ever forget. I turned 180 and just walked back.

Fast forward we were all interviewed by the FBi and let go around 2:50. Three of us walked to the metro and that's how I got home. My car, keys, and phone are still in the building or inside the car. I am home now typing this.

I imagine I won't be going back to work for several days. It was described as bullet casings and holes everywhere. Not to mention the blood. There is a lot I am leaving out. I deleted half my post. I just am not sure how much I should be sharing. It's all so distant until it happens right in front of you.


Jesus Christ man, be thankful you made it out and thanks for sharing. Goes to show you that people can be snarky on these forums all they want but the bottom line is that real people were involved and it could have been any one of us.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jesus Christ man, be thankful you made it out and thanks for sharing. Goes to show you that people can be snarky on these forums all they want but the bottom line is that real people were involved and it could have been any one of us.
As your avatar calls him a homo.


Trakanon Raider
They haven't released the names of the dead yet but I know for a fact the identities of three that are work acquaintances. My desk is about 50 feet from allegedly where the gunman went down. I'll be honest, one of the things I took from this is that as cynical as we all are, I did see a lot of people stopping to help elderly or women who were literally paralyzed with fear. No one knew how many shooters there were but that never crossed our minds. If someone needed help we stopped and got them to safety inside another building. Obviously being the Navy Yard we have a lot of servicemen and retired servicemen on base. One particular retiree I remembered stepped up and put himself out there in the open shuttling people to safety out of the building. After he got back to the lobby of the other building I was talking about he broke down for about 15 minutes. We thought he was injured but his coworker backed us off and told us his PTSD is hitting him and he needs time. He muttered several times that he needs to be out there, needs to be out there.


Hope you're not planning on getting any sleep any time soon. I'm practically traumatized just thinking about it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hope you're not planning on getting any sleep any time soon. I'm practically traumatized just thinking about it.
Well you're also a giant weeping vagina. This guy might be a man because he likes Spongebob and Street Fighter instead of Gyromite and Stack Up.

The Ancient_sl

They haven't released the names of the dead yet but I know for a fact the identities of three that are work acquaintances. My desk is about 50 feet from allegedly where the gunman went down. I'll be honest, one of the things I took from this is that as cynical as we all are, I did see a lot of people stopping to help elderly or women who were literally paralyzed with fear. No one knew how many shooters there were but that never crossed our minds. If someone needed help we stopped and got them to safety inside another building. Obviously being the Navy Yard we have a lot of servicemen and retired servicemen on base. One particular retiree I remembered stepped up and put himself out there in the open shuttling people to safety out of the building. After he got back to the lobby of the other building I was talking about he broke down for about 15 minutes. We thought he was injured but his coworker backed us off and told us his PTSD is hitting him and he needs time. He muttered several times that he needs to be out there, needs to be out there.
Thanks for sharing man. Glad you're okay.


A Mod Real Quick
All the tin foil hats are on Facebook with this gun control shit, once derpin arrives it will be full circle.

Glad you're ok man, that is some seriously sobering shit. Good job on being a man and helping out with stretchers, a lot of people wouldn't.


Karazhan Raider


Well you're also a giant weeping vagina. This guy might be a man because he likes Spongebob and Street Fighter instead of Gyromite and Stack Up.
Maybe you should try to pick a more appropriate time to be a fucking asshole. Three people he knew and worked with are dead. You don't think that has an effect on someone? You don't think it's gonna keep him up tonight, thinking about how things might have been different? How things are going to be? Grow the fuck up.

Get out. Go away.
Fuck you too. You're both pieces of shit.


<Gold Donor>
Maybe you should try to pick a more appropriate time to be a fucking asshole. Three people he knew and worked with are dead. You don't think that has an effect on someone? You don't think it's gonna keep him up tonight, thinking about how things might have been different? How things are going to be? Grow the fuck up.

Fuck you too. You're both pieces of shit.
We both said something to you because you're sensationalizing shit and projecting emotions.

tanoomba_sl said:
Hope you're not planning on getting any sleep any time soon. I'm practically traumatized just thinking about it.
This is probably the douchiest thing you could say and it's on par with your casual racism. This shit doesn't belong here. Take it somewhere else.