Dark Souls


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I like the torch system in ds2. Kinda neat.

Just beat the persuer
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
DS2 is the only DS i've 100% besides Elden Ring. Elden Ring was pretty easy to 100%.
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Ssraeszha Raider
I feel like DS2 is better when you've played a bunch of Dark Souls and still love it, but also want something fresh, too.

DS2 feels different while still being very much a Dark Souls game.
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A nice asshole.
I feel like DS2 is better when you've played a bunch of Dark Souls and still love it, but also want something fresh, too.

DS2 feels different while still being very much a Dark Souls game.
The weapon durability bug killed it at launch, once that was fixed it was pretty good.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I think I've lost more souls in ds2 than any other souls game. Truely Prepare to Cry gameplay for me
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Bisi before The Gutter: man I hate Blighttown
Bisi after The Gutter: man I miss Blighttown
  • 3Worf
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Ssraeszha Raider
Was years later when I came back to Dark Souls before I even realized the torches marked where the ladders were in Blighttown


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Nothing like dying so much in a zone in ds2 that the mobs hit their respawn limit. Sigh.

  • 1Worf
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Nothing like dying so much in a zone in ds2 that the mobs hit their respawn limit. Sigh.

I liked that about Souls 2, gives you an out if you're having a ton of trouble (the zone gradually gets easier). Also gives you the ability to make a zone completely empty if you want to.


A nice asshole.
I liked that about Souls 2, gives you an out if you're having a ton of trouble (the zone gradually gets easier). Also gives you the ability to make a zone completely empty if you want to.
Yeah if you kill a mob enough times in DS2 it doesn’t respawn.


Ssraeszha Raider
I liked that about Souls 2, gives you an out if you're having a ton of trouble (the zone gradually gets easier). Also gives you the ability to make a zone completely empty if you want to.

Biggest benefit is if there's a boss that's raping you that you have to clear to each time. Eventually it becomes just a free run to their doorway
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Biggest benefit is if there's a boss that's raping you that you have to clear to each time. Eventually it becomes just a free run to their doorway
The Katana boss in the DLC basically all but mandates doing this. So does the twin snow cats if you even bother with that shitfest (have fun killing 90 lightning horses and STILL having a three minute runback).
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Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
The Katana boss in the DLC basically all but mandates doing this. So does the twin snow cats if you even bother with that shitfest (have fun killing 90 lightning horses and STILL having a three minute runback).
Or you could just
get good
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  • 2Worf
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The Katana boss in the DLC basically all but mandates doing this. So does the twin snow cats if you even bother with that shitfest (have fun killing 90 lightning horses and STILL having a three minute runback).

I heard somewhere that the lightning-reindeer (or whatever) on the way to the twin snow cats... don't stop spawning no matter how many you kill. Can you confirm that that area is actually clear-able?

The twin snow cats (and the area leading up to them) is the single most nightmarish thing I've done in the Souls series and the main thing keeping me from wanting to do that ice DLC ever again (it's otherwise my favorite of the DLCs due to the Demon Souls link).

I remember having to clear out several areas leading up to DLC bosses because I was losing to the bosses so much, and dying so much on the run-back. It became less time-consuming to just clear the mobs little by little, then get free shots at the boss. Or at least take out like half the mobs on the way and sprint past the rest.

I really wish more games had stuff like this. Like Sekiro. No levels in Sekiro really so you have very little reason to gain exp by fighting everything, the mobs are aggressive and often hard to ignore, and there are boss-runbacks that would be way more tolerable if I could make the enemies disappear.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The Katana boss in the DLC basically all but mandates doing this. So does the twin snow cats if you even bother with that shitfest (have fun killing 90 lightning horses and STILL having a three minute runback).

Oh yeah, also, another thing you can do in situations like that is quit out and make a backup save to reload if you lose. I didn't do that in Souls 2 (didn't really do it with any of these games until Elden Ring, with ultra-rare exceptions like Four Kings in DS1 and Blood-Starved Beast in BB). If you reach a boss door after an extended run, it only makes sense to do a backup save and spare yourself some grief. The twin cats might have been easier that way, I don't know. I definitely had to summon other players for that fight (good thing I did it back when the game had tons of people on) since the DLC nerfed my entire build compared to the main game and I lacked the DPS to take out cat 1 before cat 2 showed up.
  • 1Pathetic
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Trakanon Raider
I heard somewhere that the lightning-reindeer (or whatever) on the way to the twin snow cats... don't stop spawning no matter how many you kill. Can you confirm that that area is actually clear-able?

That is why that whole area is called "Horse Fuck Valley"..

after awhile though you figure out you can just summon from all avail signs at the coffin in and just run straight too the cat boss fight, that whole area is such a shit fest that it's fine if you fight the cats with help, who gives a fuck. Or if you're a stickler you can de-summon them at the cat fog gate.. with that one crystal I can't remember the name of it though..
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I heard somewhere that the lightning-reindeer (or whatever) on the way to the twin snow cats... don't stop spawning no matter how many you kill. Can you confirm that that area is actually clear-able?
The one time I killed that boss, I perma killed the lightning ponies and it was about 90 of them to make them stop respawning. I am never doing that part of that game again. Even without the visibility fuckover, it was the most tedious horse shit I have ever dealt with in a game.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I heard somewhere that the lightning-reindeer (or whatever) on the way to the twin snow cats... don't stop spawning no matter how many you kill. Can you confirm that that area is actually clear-able?

The twin snow cats (and the area leading up to them) is the single most nightmarish thing I've done in the Souls series and the main thing keeping me from wanting to do that ice DLC ever again (it's otherwise my favorite of the DLCs due to the Demon Souls link).

I remember having to clear out several areas leading up to DLC bosses because I was losing to the bosses so much, and dying so much on the run-back. It became less time-consuming to just clear the mobs little by little, then get free shots at the boss. Or at least take out like half the mobs on the way and sprint past the rest.

I really wish more games had stuff like this. Like Sekiro. No levels in Sekiro really so you have very little reason to gain exp by fighting everything, the mobs are aggressive and often hard to ignore, and there are boss-runbacks that would be way more tolerable if I could make the enemies disappear.

I didn't find any issue with Sekiro boss run-backs, they were usually a 100% clear path from checkpoint to boss. In the rare case it had an enemy on the way, you could usually assassinate, or worst case run past with zero issue.

There are rare exceptions, the Seven-Spears mini-boss at the starting tower being one I can immediately recall. But they're for sure rare.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I didn't find any issue with Sekiro boss run-backs, they were usually a 100% clear path from checkpoint to boss. In the rare case it had an enemy on the way, you could usually assassinate, or worst case run past with zero issue.

There are rare exceptions, the Seven-Spears mini-boss at the starting tower being one I can immediately recall. But they're for sure rare.

Yeah, I still haven't gotten too far in Sekiro so I don't know too much about it. Still want to get to it by the end of the year. Strikes me as a game that'll take me a while to get into, then suddenly be my favorite game ever. Like Bloodborne was.

The one time I killed that boss, I perma killed the lightning ponies and it was about 90 of them to make them stop respawning. I am never doing that part of that game again. Even without the visibility fuckover, it was the most tedious horse shit I have ever dealt with in a game.

It sounds like there are probably 8 or 9 spawn points where the horses can potentially show up, then path around. So people who killed them a lot and still kept running into them were probably getting them from other spawn points and thinking they were the same ones they'd already downed a bunch of. Kill 90 or so and you've effectively stopped all the potential spawn points.


A nice asshole.
Yeah, I still haven't gotten too far in Sekiro so I don't know too much about it. Still want to get to it by the end of the year. Strikes me as a game that'll take me a while to get into, then suddenly be my favorite game ever. Like Bloodborne was.

It sounds like there are probably 8 or 9 spawn points where the horses can potentially show up, then path around. So people who killed them a lot and still kept running into them were probably getting them from other spawn points and thinking they were the same ones they'd already downed a bunch of. Kill 90 or so and you've effectively stopped all the potential spawn points.
If you pick up Sekiro don't put it down until you done, game is all about getting good. When you do get good, can grab this mod: Sekiro Resurrection game will absolutely beat the shit out of you. No idea what gods this mod is for but holy shit did it kick my ass.