Captain Suave
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
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Everyone wants a unicorn, pal.i just want us to be together and no drama.
I don't event want a wife or kids or anything. Just some chick to go steppin out with on weekends.Everyone wants a unicorn, pal.
I hate it. Made the mistake of buying a house together and with interest rates skyrocketing am kind of stuck here for now.a question for the fellas. do any of you even like living with a woman? i'm not saying sleeping with a woman, but the actual cohabitation of the same structure with one? my girl stays over and i wake up and she's already awake and rearranging my shit the way she likes. it sets off my OCD like crazy and i have to hold it in because i dont want to seem crazy.
a question for the fellas. do any of you even like living with a woman? i'm not saying sleeping with a woman, but the actual cohabitation of the same structure with one? my girl stays over and i wake up and she's already awake and rearranging my shit the way she likes. it sets off my OCD like crazy and i have to hold it in because i dont want to seem crazy.
Nope. I tried living with women a couple of times and it never worked. They just drove me nuts. Also having little or no time to myself doesn't work for me at all, not even a little bit. I like get-togethers to be somewhat of an event, or have a purpose. Like we're getting together to hook up, or go to a specific thing, or have dinner. When living together, get-togethers don't feel like events, the person's just always there.
I will say that the initial move-in phase is usually really fun, though. Banging in every room to "break the place in", having a woman around readily available for whenever the mood strikes, her being free to basically wear whatever all the time (long t-shirt and nothing else). I mean there's a lot to like here. It isn't until maybe 2-3 weeks in where I start regretting my choices because I can't get a break from them.
It'll open me up to mockery and all but I distinctly remember times where I wanted to take a Sunday and play games, only to have a woman I lived with get upset that I wasn't spending the day with her (like every other day). When women live with me they end up demanding ALL my attention and wanting sex more often than I want to put out because after a while I just have other shit to do. It's true what they say, behind every hot girl is a guy who is probably tired of banging her.
So nope, living with a woman is a no-go for me, which is unfortunate because I'm sure someone will want to again in the future and I'll have to come up with a reason not to.
i also have chosen option 1 for years when i was between steady girlfriends. yes its expensive, but was no ill effects, no guilt or yelling or anything. i even had regulars which i enjoyed because they remembered me and how i was. but that was my 20s and early 30s. havent done that in 20 years and i dont miss it. but yes thats an option.So there is:
1. Hooker. handsome, sex is great, expensive
2. Girl 1: single, needs a lot of support, moderately hot, no sex
3. Girl 2: single, hot, emotional wreck, freaky sex
I'm sticking to nr 1 for now.
In my life I have cohabitated three times...a question for the fellas. do any of you even like living with a woman? i'm not saying sleeping with a woman, but the actual cohabitation of the same structure with one? my girl stays over and i wake up and she's already awake and rearranging my shit the way she likes. it sets off my OCD like crazy and i have to hold it in because i dont want to seem crazy.
My wife was on a date and the music was flowing hard, but her dude was standing cross armed and I could see she wanted to dance.
I was on a week’s supply of roids from a minor car accident and felt unstoppable. Asked her to dance and the dweeb was like, sure go ahead.
I don't event want a wife or kids or anything. Just some chick to go steppin out with on weekends.
Bro I don't want to sound like a pussy by saying this, but you realize that is straight up emotional abuse, yeah?
maybe, but like i said, if its not effective then its not an issue. chicks like to play their little head games, but they are so obvious and stupid, its almost cute. chick needs to know her place, im not trying to be with her forever and i told her this from the beginning. "i'm not looking for a serious relationship, sweety". "me neither, Papi" . i dont like how she is not so subtly establishing an infrastructure for herself in my life.Abuse doesn't need to be deliberate / premeditated for it to be abuse
In my life I have cohabitated three times...
It should be noted that in first two times I did not have any type of roommate/etc aside from the girl I was cohabitating with. With
- First time - 6' Redhead, wild in the sack and we got along well. Eventually she just couldn't apparently handle dating a guy shorter than her. She moved out. This was in an apartment.
- Second time - Lived with this girl for 6 months, sex was good, it was also in an apartment so a little cramped. Came home from a business trip to find the computer on and chat logs which led me to discover she was a rampant whore and sleeping with at least 5 or 6 people I knew. She was out at the time, in fact, banging a dude since she thought I wouldn't be home from said trip until the next day. This is what made me realize that my dog at the time was the smartest and best animal I have ever owned. She had started unexplicably chewing the crotches out of any of this girls underwear that she found accessible and there was never an explanation as to why.... Until this. Then I realized the best dog ever was trying to tell me something. She came home that night to all her crap outside the front door.
- Third time -
Mrs. Haus - We lived together around a year before getting married, have obviously lived together ever since (20 years next May). Discounting the reasons the first two relationship ended, I will say that overall a key to cohabitating is having enough space for two people to comfortably live (we have a house right at 2800 sq ft right now). She has her spaces in the house, I have mine, and we have shared spaces we use. Another protip - MAKE SURE YOU BOTH HAVE YOUR OWN BATHROOM. I couldn't imagine living alone now.
Mrs. Haus living here we've had a couple stints of having a friend who needed a place to live for a few months staying here, and a couple stints of my mother staying here while recovering from medical shit. After all these stints we have found that we were both happier when the third party in question was gone, but that's another story.
i also have chosen option 1 for years when i was between steady girlfriends. yes its expensive, but was no ill effects, no guilt or yelling or anything. i even had regulars which i enjoyed because they remembered me and how i was. but that was my 20s and early 30s. havent done that in 20 years and i dont miss it. but yes thats an option.
i kissed one once. i got a bad cold afterward. i cant imagine what going down on one would be like. its not something i would recommend.6 foot redhead, wild in the sack? Sounds like the one I was with for 7 years, cept she was 5'10''. Was taller than the guy she ended up with and the guy she was with before me for that matter.
Co-habitating was easier for us without a third person around, though she really wanted her hot, single, and swung-both-ways best friend living with us for some reason. I should have probably taken advantage of that scenario but that's a whole other thing. It was an apartment, and while it was a large apartment, I think that interfered quite a bit. Especially when we had a roommate. Eventually we got separate apartments and got along WAY better after that. I think a house might have solved a lot of our issues due to just having more space.
Wait, why was the dog chewing the crotches out of the second girl's underpants? Also, ew. What did she do after she got back to all of her stuff sitting outside? Did she freak out and make a scene?
Option 1 probably wouldn't work for me because I get off the most on how much the chick is enjoying herself. I'm guessing most hookers wouldn't really err towards letting a guy go down on them for a while, nor would I really want to if I didn't know them, and that takes away the main thing that gets my motor running. So yeah, something would be missing and it'd basically just be an assisted version of hand-time at that point.
Wait, why was the dog chewing the crotches out of the second girl's underpants? Also, ew. What did she do after she got back to all of her stuff sitting outside? Did she freak out and make a scene?
i kissed one once. i got a bad cold afterward. i cant imagine what going down on one would be like. its not something i would recommend.
When I saw the car of the guy she went off with pull up, I stepped onto the patio and yelled "Better tell him not to leave yet, you're going to need a ride somewhere". She lost it bawling, but grabbed her crap and had the guy take her somewhere else....
I always wonder with situations like that, if the now-evicted woman just goes and lives with the guy she was cheating with now or what. I imagine a lot of the time he doesn't want to deal with it either. Most guys know by now that if a woman is cheating on someone else with you, they're gonna do the same thing again.
The dog wasn't warning you of anything. She was fucking the dog too.Pretty sure the dog was trying to warn me of the dangers of this particluar unfaithful hussy's crotch.