DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


I loved nights when you could still somewhat see. Pushing the gamma to the max made it basically daylight though. I wish they'd nerfed it to something in between. And with faster day/night cycles to experience both within one play sessions. Although I think the dev once said they could not change it for some reason.

That fog looks really neat. In exteriors at least. Might just have to load Dayz again.


Yeah nights in Dayz were cool as long as there was a full moon out so you had at least some light. The pitch black shit other than stars was unplayable without night vision though. That mod looks like it does night time really really well though so you can still actually see some stuff.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I only experienced a full moon night a couple times :-( it was usually the pitch black, i can't see shit.


I actually liked the pitch black moonless nights in DayZ. Running around with your flash light, seeing other sources of light in the distance. People converging around flares knowing people where their but having no clue exactly where. Some of my best DayZ moments happened during night. Cheesing the gamma settings kinda ruined it though and I always thought they should have shortened the day/night cycle.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Played a little dayz today and there seems to be a lot more unofficial servers running cray cray rules


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
yea official servers are dying off like mad, mostly due to people waiting for the standalone. Some of the alternate maps are actually really good though. Give Namalsk a try if you're looking to play DayZ still. It's well done and a good time. God help you once a Bloodsucker finds you though.


Night does suck after gamma exploit fix, but it's playable if you've got a chemlight attached and run with a g17. Actually makes zombies somewhat dangerous, although I pretty much refuse to play with a geared character on a high pop server without NV at night due to the insurmountable disadvantage it places you in PVP without them. Regardless, running around the middle of the map and NWAF area is still hands down the best way to find multiple chopper crashes quickly.


Haven't played the mod as I couldn't get past the shitty looking graphics/animations. I'm looking forward to the standalone though. A lot of pressure would be on these guys though I remember when you couldn't find a corner of the internet that wasn't sucking Day Z off.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Haven't played the mod as I couldn't get past the shitty looking graphics/animations. I'm looking forward to the standalone though. A lot of pressure would be on these guys though I remember when you couldn't find a corner of the internet that wasn't sucking Day Z off.
The game mechanics more than make up for the shittiness of the graphics.

I played Dayz mod for a good three months straight. Such a great concept, I really hope they pull in a larger crowd in standalone.

PS The inventory system sucks far more than the graphics



Graphics were fine I thought. The UI/inventory were the only problems I had with the game and got used to that within a couple hours. You really missed out on one of the most incredible games ever made by not playing it.

The two guys I played with reinstalled it last week and started playing on the DayZ Origins mod. From what I understand it is fairly popular with a decent number of servers. It's a new map and has some other neat features that DayZ doesn't have. Anyone play that yet?

Beef Supreme_sl

Graphics were fine I thought. The UI/inventory were the only problems I had with the game and got used to that within a couple hours. You really missed out on one of the most incredible games ever made by not playing it.

The two guys I played with reinstalled it last week and started playing on the DayZ Origins mod. From what I understand it is fairly popular with a decent number of servers. It's a new map and has some other neat features that DayZ doesn't have. Anyone play that yet?
This looks awesome. Downloading meow.


<Gold Donor>
They are planning to launch the game the same way they did with Minecraft.

The DayZ standalone pricing model to be similar to Minecraft.

It?s been a little while since we?ve had really solid news on the DayZ Standalone front ? partially because creator Dean Hall decided to spend a little time climbing a mountain. But now we have some news that anyone waiting on the game should be very interested in! What?s the pricing going to be like?

Well? We don?t know the exact price but what we do know is pretty good news. According to a Gamasutra interview: The DayZ standalone will be using a pricing model similar to that of Minecraft where those interested in playing the game have the option to buy the alpha at an extremely discounted price. Once the game enters beta, the price will go up some ? Hall?s saying about $10 and then when the game goes live it will increase in price again ? possibly another ten bucks.

This model worked out really well for Minecraft for a couple of reasons. One of which being it allowed people who supported the game early on to get a discount while being able to share their experience with friends and encourage them to get in early as well to get a good deal. I bought Minecraft in alpha due to that exact scenario.

So, when is Alpha?

It seems that for some lucky people, Alpha has already kicked in. Currently the team are doing what most of us would think of as the ?friends and family? phase of testing and according to Hall, what they?ve done so far is: ?gave free keys as a gift to the forum moderators, the Reddit moderators, people who helped out with DayZ development, and stuff like that.?

Hall estimates that there are somewhere between 30-100 people currently in Alpha.

For those of you looking to get into Alpha, it seems that you?ll want to start keeping an eye open for the announcement starting next month. However, don?t expect to see anything any sooner than that.
Never heard of the game until today, will definitely buy Alpha for $10ish.


0 is stating the Client/Server Architecture is functionally complete, and they will be doing a large scale test 5/29. I assume if that goes well, Alpha may be announced shortly after... well that is my hope anyway! :-D


FoH nuclear response team
This is excellent news!!!!! Oblio, how the fuck have you not heard of the game til now?


Been playing some DayZ Origins. It's really the same mod with extra features and a new map. The end game is a mix of a neat farming idea (having to fix a vehicle to sail or fly to a small island with great loot) that quickly becomes easily exploitable by the more hardcore player base (loot resets when servers restart, so unless you are part of group that camps there, your chance of loot is minimal).

A bit of story:

There is no hive in DayZ:O. So you have 1 character per server. I started a new guy so as to not die on the server where I team up with friends. My plan was to experiment with tents and house building. I rushed the spawn-town to find a lee enfield, M1911 and alice pack. Farmed some more for some morphine, PKillers, food, drinks and a tent. Rush then to an airfield (just one pass through) and found an AKM. Then I decided I would pitch my tent and start farming materials for car-repairs. The end gold was to get a car to be able to move the 45 or so mats needed for a house's foundation.

I guess I could have used the tent but I felt like the tent should be somewhat far and hidden while the vehicle could be used to transport my stock to the tent after each farming session. The car could stay with me and if I lose that/died it would only be part of the mats lost. Anyway... I got as far as finding a good spot for my tent and stumbled on someone else's car. It was not hidden at all and close to an industrial building so I quietly waited to see if anyone was coming back and forth. Seeing no-one I raided the trunk and found some kick ass weapons (FN FAL, PKP, an ACOG M16-or similar-) which I think can only be found in Sector B. I took one of each and hid those my my tent a few hundred feet away.

I got greedy and dropped all my gear in the tent and went back to the vehicle I'd found. It was pitch black night. Suddenly a guy shows up and rushes the car, with 2 Zs on his ass. He's in the middle of a plain basically and it takes him 5 minutes to kill the zombies. He did not run away he just sat there and somehow did not die. I was lieing down in the grass not 15 feet away. I could just barely make the outline of his sleeves in the dark. I don't like to kill on sight (I try to communicate first but don't have qualms murdering innocents if they're too slow to respond) - and because I had dumped everything I had in the tent I had no weapon to scare or kill him anyway.

So I'm just lying there, heart racing, wondering if he can see me. After a while the Z's are dead and he crouches near the vehicle - I assume checking the trunk. At this point I am wondering if it's his car. And -if it is- I figure that with that sort of weapon the guy is likely to also have NVGs - which would be a big deal. I cannot get up and run if he has those on. With Z's walking around and making noise I feel that I might be able to crawl to the car from the other side, grab a weapon in there, kill the fucker (fuck being nice if there's loot involved) and steal his theoretical NVGs. I do just that without him seeing me, I open the trunk and see that he just took out all the ammo. I assume he realized he got robbed and started emptying the trunk.

We are literally crouching a car-width away from one another at this point. My gear is in my tent and I have nothing to lose. Also I realize I did not dumpeverythingI had. I turn on the "close communication" channel and just whisper "oh look, I still have my axe". I was laughing inside and feeling giddy. Of course it was still pitch black and the guy just ran like hell. I ran after him for a bit just screaming "murder" in the microphone. I'm still giggling just thinking about it. I never caught up with him though. In my head he pissed himself - and that's just as good as a pair of NVGs.

The rest of the story is less fun. I finished looting the car and took the stuff to my tent. I got started on my plan again, found some reinforcing material for the house and some parts for a car. After a couple trips I realize I cannot access my tent anymore. The tent is there but I cannot find any angle to get the "gear/inventory" to open. Since I was farming I was leaving everything in the tent to make as much room as possible - all my weapons, blood bags, painkillers, morphine, food & drink...Morphine.... I am tryingeverything: walking around the tent, running at the tent, backing up, turning around at weird angles... and, eventually, crawling around the tent.. I ended up, somehow, getting stuck under the tent and breaking my leg. You know. With all my morphine in the tent that I can no longer open?

At this point I'm a bit frustrated. I don't even mind losing all the weapons I stole from that other guy - that's just karma. But I am crawling and miles away from any spawn point or hospital. I have to either crawl for hours or kill myself. I did not want to kill myself so I started crawling. The nearest loot piles were in a fire station (which can spawn some morphine) so I went there. Zombies everywhere and day time at this point - but hey - I'm crawling anyway right? I get to the door and cannot fucking open the thing while prone. I have to get myself to a weird angle to get the option. I eventually find and select "open door" and the fucking thing opens on my face and tears my head to shreds. I am talking instant unconsciousness and bleeding out the ass. I think I am done for but I get back up a pixel before death. I am seeing flashes & stars, bandaging myself, shivering from the pain. No steak to heal myself, no buddy to transfuse, just the hope of finding morphine. Which I did not. And it took me a LONG time to just manage to crawl up stairs (DayZ does not like that apprently). I did find a stanag mag and went back to that car to steal one more gun so as to not completely defenseless (although aiming in my condition would be challenging to say the least).

When I logged out I was back in the open between the fire station and the nearest hospital. Crawling like a worm and falling unconscious for 10-20 seconds every 50 feet - with a ruined plan, useless tent, shattered leg and broken spirit.

Welcome to DayZ.