War wasn't horrible, all things considered. I did like how they made Superman the fucking badass that he would truly be right off, and he even punked Batman initially (everyone punks Green Lantern). I'd kill for a superhero origin that didn't involve everyone fighting each other first, but at least it was minimal this time due to the "invasion" bringing everyone together.
Fortunately I've always felt that Captain Marvel/Shazam was a queer (except when I was a kid and I'd watch Shazam and Isis back to back Saturday mornings, which was awesome!), otherwise I'd probably be pretty upset with how they handled him in this movie. It was realistic, but still made him a fairly unlikable character for me.
To be quite honest, I love the new turn they've taken with Wonder Woman, so I might actually have to go read her new comics since everyone says they are good. Linda Carter first made me realize I loved titties, but my impression of WW ever since then has been that she was pretty lame. Now she's a bloodthirsty warrior who doesn't give a fuck, and would be hot if she weren't a cartoon character, so she's got my vote!
Use of Darkseid was terrible though. Well, let me correct that. It wasn't terrible in that he was mounting an invasion and all that, but for the fight that brings the group together pretty much? That's like bringing in Galactus on the very first issue of Fantastic Four. They needed to start with someone slightly less badass, because now that they beat him, no matter how temporary things in comics are, where do you go from here? The Joker? Pussy. Lex Luthor? Forget it. Bane? Please. Even once you start getting into real powerful characters, Darkseid is almost the top of the chart (if not the top), so anyone below him is just silly against that team.
Overall worth the watch I'd say, even if not quite as awesome as some of the others.