DC Universe (Batman vs Superman thread).


Millie's Staff Member
All his mustache shit was from reshoots that he did while in the middle of filming MI:Fallout. He grew the mustache for Mission Impossible, so if he had to shave and then wear something that wasn't going to be exactly the same you are fucking up 2 movies. It's not his fault that JL was a mess from the start. It's also not his fault that they used horrible CG guys.
he probably should have used the fake mustache for one film and still have had freedom to do other things clean shaven.
  • 1Worf
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
All his mustache shit was from reshoots that he did while in the middle of filming MI:Fallout. He grew the mustache for Mission Impossible, so if he had to shave and then wear something that wasn't going to be exactly the same you are fucking up 2 movies. It's not his fault that JL was a mess from the start. It's also not his fault that they used horrible CG guys.

Also didn’t some kid in his basement using a regular home PC make a cut without the mustache that was like 1000x better than the shit the studio put out.

I think Void Void is probably right that there are simply tons and tons of hack failures in Hollywood.
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Millie's Staff Member
Also didn’t some kid in his basement using a regular home PC make a cut without the mustache that was like 1000x better than the shit the studio put out.

I think Void Void is probably right that there are simply tons and tons of hack failures in Hollywood.
that should go without saying. probably almost all the actors male or female got there by gargling Hollywood exec jizz.
  • 1Seriously?
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Log Wizard
Actually he couldnt shave the mustache because the other studio wouldnt let him, he was bound by a contract
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Mr. Poopybutthole
That still looks awful. There are probably some really simple things they could have done while filming the reshoots to give the CG a better chance, the artists were likely given insufficient information to work with on too short a time frame.

The fault lies either with the execs setting an unrealistic timetable on the reshoots, the director not understanding the limitations of CG, or both.
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Macho Ma'am
Or, and this might be a stretch here, they knew the movie was dogshit.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Also didn’t some kid in his basement using a regular home PC make a cut without the mustache that was like 1000x better than the shit the studio put out.

I think Void Void is probably right that there are simply tons and tons of hack failures in Hollywood.

There's full detailed Netflix production value documentary videos on the decline of CG quality since the 2000's.

It's all trended backwards and its exactly due to hack failures.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Rebuttal of VFX artists to the claim that CGI is trending down in quality.

Brightness, daylight, and straight on shots are simply very challenging-- a lot of the stellar CGI of the last 20 years has been using shadows.


Millie's Staff Member
Rebuttal of VFX artists to the claim that CGI is trending down in quality.

Brightness, daylight, and straight on shots are simply very challenging-- a lot of the stellar CGI of the last 20 years has been using shadows.

so CGI isnt getting worse, its just not advancing? technically thats still bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ben Affleck will be getting roles in to his old age, he's a solid actor.

Cavill will be getting roles as long as his looks hold out and he can be bothered to keep up with the intense physical regimen. No different to Chris Evans and co, only they were fortunate enough to choose the profitable franchise not the DC failtrain.

I'm fairly certain Cavill will play Supes as long as they ask him to.
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FPS noob
its actually not great, basically Michael Keaton will be the equivalent of Alfred and Batgirl will be the new center piece. Bet ya she is black too

not sure what the hell this means for Robert Pattison's Batman