Saw this tonight. I know I'm going against the grain and will be negged, but I really didn't like it. Did Kathleen Kennedy produce this one as well?
Am I the only one who noticed that the camera was offset when shooting Colossus in the X-Men mansion near the beginning.... so that they could prominently display a portrait of Karl Marx in the offset background? Why not Muhammad?
Portraits of old white men make Deadpool feel like he needs a rape whistle, but then later he says not to judge people on the color of their skin.
The fact that there are no fat super heroes is 'industry discrimination' rather than just common sense. I will at least give credit to the fact that they called the fatty a 'diabetic' a couple times. That was nice.
Deadpool accuses some character of 'cultural appropriation' which is a bullshit term and a bullshit concept.
He says at the end that his 'family' came together 'despite some racism', but the only racism I saw was from Domino who referred to Cable as 'the old white guy'. Maybe that is the racism he was referring to, but color me skeptical. I'm sure he was referring to either Cable or himself (them being the two white guys on the team). Deadpool seemed to agree with the general concept of the new Original Sin (i.e. being born white and/or male).
I guess the lesbian/trans couple was handled okay and the producers didn't try too hard shove their particular bullshit down my throat.
Every employee of the evil sanitorium where Fire-Hands came from was a white male.
And then the more generic idea, which is the same criticism I've levied against Family Guy in the past: pop-culture references are not jokes.
Some parts were funny. I loved how Deadpool's whole team died in the parachute scene. That was great. And for some reason I just loved the part where Cable, during the convoy chase scene, shoots 50 bullets at him and he pretends to slash them all up with his swords while they are actually just hitting him and going through him. That part made me sincerely laugh.
The ending was touching and it was kind of funny how he simply wouldn't die.
The action scenes were decent and I liked how Deadpool called the Juggernaut vs Colossus a 'CGI Battle'. The 4th wall stuff is funny and is what Deadpool is all about, but the sjwism and the pop-culture references were just too ham-fisted for my taste. That being said, I doubt I was their target audience.
There was a halfway decent movie buried underneath all the cultural marxism and leftist talking points, but it was really marred by those points and it made it un-fun. Can I go to a movie anymore these days without being reminded of how evil I am for being white? Fucking hell.