Hmmm, I might be remembering this wrong but hadn't they introduced Wyatt Earp as a character toward the end of S3, like right before the show got cancelled? Didn't notice him in the trailer at all which is unfortunate.
I was given Alma Garret. Not sure why though. I chose that I'm a guy. /shrugs
Seeing Olyphant cowboy'ed up makes me want to watch Justified again.
I feel like Justified didn't get as much attention as it deserved in pop culture. 6 seasons and they were all good and the final episode was great. I have all 6 seasons on bluray and try to get anyone I can to watch it.
Also got Al, but I literally said to myself, "what would Al do?" for every question.
I consider Al my spirit animal.... I have a friend at work, we are constantly having sms based snark side conversations during large meetings. And they've actually had to deal with me just texting the word "Cocksuckers!" multiple times to keep from saying it out loud.